DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Alexandra Spiroff: Assignment 1

Book Cover


Introduce 2D shape

Top and side planes slide out to create 3D block

Repeat evolution into 3D black with lower shape

Introduce Dr. Jekyll type with shape of the same color

Dr. Jekyll blocks are "built"

"Mr. Hyde" text begins to appear simultaneously with the red shape

The concept of my book cover design was the Mr. Hyde personality emerging from Dr. Jekyll. The way I chose to illustrate this was with a series of blue and grey cubes, with red cubes appearing to emerge from within them. I intend to use motion to further communicate this. To start, I will “build” the cubes by first having the faces slide into frame, then having the sides emerge from within them to become three dimensional. The smaller, inlaid box will emerge from the top cube and slide into place. Once these cubes, or the “Dr. Jekyll” personality is established, I will have the red cubes “fall out” from the bottom of the blue cubes. I want to make them fall quickly as though they are weighted, giving further meaning as the Hyde personality is a heavy burden.

Final Animation