DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Brent Hurlbert-assignment-1

Book Cover


5% Starting with a low opacity to resemble the intro to the story.

10% Continue with a higher opacity.




The opacity with continue until 100% is reached. Dr. Jekyll will be the only visible text because Hyde is not yet materialized in the story.

Purple and different levels of saturation are the colors I'm using specifically for Jekyll. Through out the next series of slides green, which is the color for Hyde, will start to push the purple to the other side of the composition. This will signify Hyde taking over Jekyll.

little more green coming from the bottom right

Here is the first climax. Where the green is at a pure hue, striking through the middle the name Mr. Hyde first appears.

The Name Jekyll is green. Want it to resemble an infection.

The titles of each are switching to convey that there is a struggle between the two. Also, color will be fluctuating as the titles of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde switch.

The sizes of each name and title to further depict struggle.

Hyde large but with the title "Mr."

The End

Staring out the animation white and having the opacity increase to 100% hue will be my interpretation of beginning a book. There is always a few blank pages before the introduction of the main story. Once 100% hue is reacted, purple will lose ground against green and recede to the other side of the composition. Jekyll is losing control of himself as Hyde materializes more and more. I wanted to have that struggle apparent with the text as well. Changing size, color, and switching titles with each other is how I think that will be the most effective.

Final Animation