DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Christian Ortiz: Assignment 1

Book Cover


Starting off with a cream colored canvas

A single piece with a darker color fades in and so does Dr. Jekyll

Other pieces begin to extend from the previous pieces and now start to take on a form. Dr. Jekyll's name loses a few letters as this happens.

Form continues to extend and color become saturated. Name continued to lose letters.

Form that represents Dr. Jekyll stands alone with no name.

A new tile piece appears and so does the letter "M". Pieces of the form that represents Dr. Jekyll begin to disappear.

More pieces come into the composition and disappear as well. The letter "R" also appears.

Dr. Jekyll's form is almost gone. The name "Mr. Hyde" and the form are almost complete.

Mr. Hyde stands alone and is represented with highly saturated colors and his name.

Everything fades in to show the final composition.

The final book cover is a representation of how Dr. Jekyll slowly turns into Mr. Hyde. In the beginning the sequence will start off with a cream canvas. A new piece of tile will appear with darker color and so will the name Dr. Jekyll. Throughout the sequence new tile pieces will extend from the previous ones with saturated orange colors. As this happens the name "Dr. Jekyll" will start to lose letters until it is completely gone. A new tile piece will fade into the composition and as this happens the beginning of the last form will start to break down and disappear. While the new form is emerging, the name "Mr. Hyde" is also slowly appearing letter by letter. The color that was once cream in the beginning now takes on a heavy saturated orange that will also be a representation of My. Hyde. Once the final form is complete everything will slowly begin to fade back on in for the final composition.

Final Animation