DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Genevieve Lotus: Assignment 1

Book Cover


fade in plus sign

fade in shapes

words slide in- DR JEKYLL from the left, MR HYDE from the right, ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON from the bottom

The shapes will fade in on top of the green background, going from most green to most blue, to represent the seeping nature of the evil portrayed in the book, as well as alluding to the liquidity of the potion that caused the transformation. I wanted it to seem spontaneous and not rhythmic so I jumbled the order in which the shapes appear. In the animation itself, the timings of the shapes appearance will be sporadic, so as to more accurately portray a seeping motion. After the shapes have all appeared, the title and author will all slide into place from outside the frame, which serves to activate the space outside the framework of the book cover as well as separating their movement from the rest of the animation.

Final Animation