DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Jacob Behling: Assignment 1

Book Cover


Nothing, black canvas.

Pieces begin to come together.

A form begins to develop.

The form morphs and rearranges, abstracting but still staying faithful to the grid.

The pieces change to black, background flashes to pink. Jekyll appears at the bottom, then disintegrates. Pieces continue to rearrange.

The pieces continue to rearrange, turn white. Background flashes green, Hyde appears at the bottom. The type for Hyde enlarges until it over takes the composition with black.

Pieces come to form a hand, and it begins to writhe/ distort.

The hand makes a clawing motion, revealing the title and author name .

The basic synopsis for what is happening in my book cover is simple: Pieces of a form come together to construct a figure that is violently changing and transforming, symbolizing a struggle for identity. I have ideas for how to get the pieces to look like they are morphing while still being tied to the grid, namely using the effects linear or radial wipe. These allow for pieces to look like they are branching off of each other. There is also the simple solution of using scale and opacity changes to my advantage to make pieces appear. Next the back ground changes to pink and shows our form has turned all black still struggling to maintain its construction. The name Jekyll appears under the form in large black letters; What we are being shown is the manifestation of Jekyll, struggling to keep his identity. His name dissolves, and the screen flashes green. The form has turned white and assumed a vertical position, basically signifying an inversion. We are looking at Hyde, an entity that is steadily growing. Hyde's name appears below the form, and it grows until it takes over the entire composition in black. Hyde has taken over. We are introduced to a writhing claw, symbolizing Hyde's monstrosity. The claw makes a swiping motion which reveal the title of the story and the name of the author to us.

Final Animation