DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Jane Taylor Assignment 1

Book Cover


Starts off with a blank dark grey background on screen

small portion of the Jekyll green fades in slowly

more portions of the vibrant green fade in continuing the flow

as more portion of color fades in, some of the initial color fades out/ disappears

more portions are added as the desaturated green enters the screen flowing in

the desaturated green continues creating a heartbeat rhythm feel as more color is shown, some color disappears the beginning

"dr." and "mr." enter the cover. "dr" drops down from top as "mr" slide in from the right side

Jekyll and Hyde fade in with Hyde hiding behind Jekyll at first

Hyde slowly slide down into place under jekyll and the whole book becomes still revealing final book cover design

The cover represents Jekyll's transitioning into Hyde. The color of saturated teal represents Jekyll's personality being vibrant and pure at first. The desaturated green/teal represents Hyde's foggy personality and act of a shadow. The fade effect of making the color transitioning act a heartbeat effect across the screen first starts off with Jekyll's color and slowly fades into Hyde's to imply that Jekyll may at first try and hang onto his own personality, but cannot overcome the fact that he eventually fuses with the hyde personality and ends with becoming and/or giving into the Hyde color Hyde. With the title, Hyde is at first seen hiding behind the Jekyll name, but then slides dow to reveal itself as if Jekyll has accepted this part of himself as hyde.

Final Animation