DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Kile Howard: Assignment 1

Book Cover


The color yellow will fade into view in the size of the book cover.

The most of purple triangles will slide into view from the corners.

The rest of the triangles will fade into view, a couple at a time.

The triangles will continue to fill the yellow background until it is taken over by the purple.

The purple triangles has now taken over the yellow and has completely replaced it.

The process of the triangles taken over is being reversed and the yellow is coming back.

As the yellow tries to come back a darker purple will come in and take over not only the yellow but the lighter version of purple.

The darker purple has completely taken over the the yellow and the darker purple.

The process of the dark purple taking over the yellow and the lighter purple will reverse as the yellow and the purple will try to come back.

The battle between the dark purple, yellow, and light purple has stop and the name of the book will bounce into view and place.

The ampersand and the author of the book will fade into view.

The colors of the book represent different things. The yellow represents Dr. Jekyll and his battle to return to his original self from Mr. Hyde, his evil side. The light purple represents the second potion he took trying to return to his original self. After a while the potion stops working and Mr. Hyde starts to take over but Dr. Jekyll stills tries to fight. Mr. Hyde is represented by the dark purple. The fading in transition in some parts represents the transition of Dr. Jekyll. The sliding in transition represents the sudden appearance of Mr. Hyde after Dr. Jekyll takes the first potion that he took in which created the evil side of him. The animation of this book cover is showing the battle that Dr. Jekyll went through.

Final Animation