DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Steen Haugsted: Assignment 1

Book Cover


Completely blue

First stripe moves in diagonally, eases in

Back to completely blue

Stripes move in diagonally, ease in

Completely blue

Stripes move in diagonally, ease in

Completely blue

Stripes move in diagonally, ease in

Completely blue

Stripes move in diagonally, ease in Pure orange eases in diagonally

Corner becomes completely orange

Orange quickly approaches each line

Orange quickly approaches each line, ‘Mr. Hyde’ appears

Blue shoots back in diagonally, and Dr. Jekyll appears

Blue-orange begins to fade back in

The rest of the title and the author's name appear

The composition starts off completely blue and transitions into a series of diagonal stripes that ease in to the composition flashing back to a complete blue whenever each stripe completes its transition. After the stripes finish moving, the blue right corner transitions diagonally into orange. Once this is complete, the orange approaches the opposite corner of the composition in a step-like motion, eventually making the whole composition orange. Once the composition is completely orange, "Mr. Hyde" appears into the composition. Like the stripes before, blue stripes ease into the composition diagonally and "Dr. Jekyll" appears. From there, the top left corner becomes completely blue, and each stripe becomes a different blue-orange creating a gradation between the orange and blue corners of the composition. Once complete, the full book title and the authors name appear.

Final Animation