DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Tom Webb: Assignment 1

Book Cover


Screen starts out as background color.

Fade in with lighter strands of color with opacity.

More color gradually appears.

First part of title and black borders start to appear.

Bright orange colors suddenly appear after first part of title reaches 100 opacity.

MR appears suddenly with more orange.

Last details appear Hyde, all suddenly.

Second Composition: Book cover starts bisected with the most de-saturated orange and purple.

Colors start to move rhythmically from the center line.

Colors also start to appear the same way from the corners of the compositions, gradually becoming more saturated.

Title starts to appear from the background, appearing as opacity gradually increases.

Orange suddenly appears, along with Mr.

The rest of the orange suddenly appears along with Hyde.

Both of these storyboard compositions deal with the gradual transition of color from the book cover. I have chosen to have both of these compositions exhibit a gradual color shift to represent the sinister transformation from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. The final frames of both storyboards have the same idea of the bright orange colors suddenly appearing along with "Mr. Hyde" in large text, as a sudden and frightful conclusion to the transformation.

Final Animation