DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Alexandra Spiroff: Assignment 2

Film Research


Caleb works for super-tech company BlueBook— product of Nathan. Caleb is selected as the winner of a “staff lottery”, where he receives the opportunity to go to Nathan’s house and participate in his newest scientific development—lifelike artificial intelligence. He meets Ava, a beautiful and curious robot who takes an instant liking to Caleb. Caleb’s purpose in the experiment is to administer the Turing test—to interact with the machine and see if he can be convinced that she’s human. Ava warms Caleb of Nathan, making him wary to trust his host. He establishes a deep relationship with Ava and ends up agreeing to help her gain her freedom. What ensues is the struggle between ownership, possession, and Ava's innate human nature.

The mood of this film is very clinical, technological, foreboding, and suspenseful. The color palette is mostly neutral, with the exception of strong blue, red and green, an intentional nod to the RGB color model used by computers. The entire movie takes place at Nathan’s secluded and high tech house, whose actual location is in Norway. The house features many full window walls and seems to seamlessly blend nature and technology, a symbol of the film, as Nathan very consciously gives his artificial robot organic human nature. This film takes place in the not too distant future, as it seems technologically advanced but not inconceivable given our current rapid advancements in technology and the beginning into the study and creation of artificial intelligence.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Foreboding, Science Fiction, Humanity, Artificial Intelligence, Manipulation

This film is a science fiction film set in the not too distant future about the complications and responsibilities of creating lifelike artificial intelligence, with the main character being young man forming a relationship with a robot coming to terms with her existence and her programed human nature.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

2 layers of hexagon pattern, one stays fixed while the other one rotates, starting in front of the type and moving behind it.

2 layers of hexagon pattern, one stays fixed while the other one rotates, starting in front of the type and moving behind it.

Hexagon pattern lays perfectly atop each other and zooms out to reveal head of Ava.

Face doubles (swings out from itself) and zoom in reveals text

Zoom into right face and out to reveal circle getting smaller

Circle becomes first part of web-like complex that grows and stretches across frames, revealing names as it goes

Last circle in web is red, zooms in to be a red screen

Sound frequency chart of music begins to run across screen as type appears, moving up and down slightly alongside it

Lines appear from the bottom like a sunrise

bottom of line join together

splits in half and moves across screen to make consistently changing grid pattern

Lines occasionally flash red.

Final Film Titles