DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Demir_Mujagic_Assignment 2_FightClub


The movie fight club takes place in a nameless man's insomniac mind, where he creates Tyler Durden and Marla Singer. The nameless man is lonely and unhappy with his job and life and finds amusement in therapy classes. Until he meets Marla, who also enjoys therapy classes but however, is not in recovery for any cases or sicknesses. Eventually, he meets Tyler on the airplane where they share many words and drift off. The nameless character later finds his apartment in flames and decides to call Tyler for help, where they end up meeting in a bar and drinking. At the end of the night, both the nameless character and Tyler share fists to the face and develop a nightly addiction of fighting which becomes “fight club”.

This isn’t the entire film, but many lessons derive from fight club, such as Tyler teaching the main character to let go and loosen up about life. The movie depicts a mood is very dark and gray throughout, it depicts a grimy look and cold. The location where the fight occurs is dark with one light appearing as well as the house, it’s broken down with little maintenance. I think movie depicts the main characters life as disgusting and torn down.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Colorful, transitional, fast, bloody, bold

Fight club is a movie which reveals true feelings of what many want and how fast daily life changes daily.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Meat Loaf and Edward Norton squeezed

Marla smoking a cigarette

Tyler and Edward meeting on plane

Fight Club is founded

Edward loses his mind, beats himself up

Tyler begins a revolution with Fight Club's first rule, talk don't about Fight Club

The beginning

The End

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

The title sequence will begin with a soft tone of music in the background with a clip of soap being heated up. Within a few seconds, the first name of the title sequence will appear in distance appearing larger and larger until it fades. Following the next clip..

The following clip will sync with the music in the background, with a heartbeat look. Additionally, the second name of the title sequence will appear in distance growing larger and larger until it fades. This will follow throughout the entire title sequence (side note) During the after effects part of this project I will create illustrations of electricity around the text. Additionally, the type will be flashing in and out creating the effect of burning the type into peoples eyes, having them in the frame for about 4 frames and then decay away.

names will appear in flashes and for example, this one turns to a white or black text

Many transitions will occur and it will happen fast from one name to the next.

The watercolors will be changing by seconds so no one slide will look the same and will help create new forms with text.

The ending will fade out into a white tone. Ending the title sequence.

Final Film Titles