DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Gabe Mui Assignment 2

Film Research

The movie start in 1951, after the World War II

Alan Turing start telling the story to the detective, also telling the story to us

Frist time when detective see Alan Turing

When he think Alan Turing is hiding something

Then we jump to 1939, during the World War II

Alan Turing join the team and try to break the code

When everyone tries to do this by hand

Alan Turing is the only one want to build a machine to break the code, without any help

Go back to 1928, when Alan Turing still a kid.

As we can see, he does something people don't understand. Maybe that's why he is by himself all the time

And bully him

The first time when Alan Turing meet Joan Clarke

Everyone is trying to decode the message

But Alan Turing is not helping them, he is building the machine by himself

Hugh Alexander is very angry about Alan Turing did not help them at all and just working on his machine

Alan Turing also ask Joan Clarke to help him at that time, not just help him to break the code also teach him how to get along with his team

Finally, he finish building the machine

But the machine takes so much time to decode the message, then his boss try to stop him and make him leave the place. However, his teammates stop this

then the movie jump to 1951, when the detective finds out Alan Turing is homosexuals.

When Alan Turing Ask Joan Clarke to marry him.

They Inspire from a woman and find out a new way to use the machine.

And it is working!

Also help them to win the war

However, Alan Turing has a very sad ending.


This is a movie talk about how Alan Turing help the country win the World War II by using his machine which can decoding all the message from the enemy. This movie has 3 different timelines, one is in 1928 when Alan Turing still young and learning at school. The other one is 1939, when the war starts, the time that he builds his machine. The last one is in 1951, after the war over. During the movie, these three different time keep switching all the time, but every time there is a reason for it. Because the movie starts from 1951 when Alan Turing tells the story to detective, so most of the movie is talk about what happen during the war. However, when something happened to Alan Turing, something that makes Alan Turing remembers what happen before, then the timeline will change it to 1928 when he was a kid. Also once a while, it will jump to the future and slow down the speed of the movie, change the surrounding feeling a litter bit, try to give us a break. In this movie, we can watch how Turing trying to decode the message, but at the same time, we are trying decoding Turing, we want to know what happen to him, why everyone hates him so much, is it because of something about his childhood or something else? Also how the timeline changing from 3 different years, can help us to decode Alan Turing. When he became the boss of the decoding team, he makes a lot of change, first, he fired two people from the team, also he decides to build a machine and help them to decode the message instead of doing it by hand. He thinks this is the best way to do it and wants everyone on his team to do what he wants. At first people disagree with him, but later on, people start helping Alan Turing. I think Joan Clarke is the one make him change the most, also help him to be a success.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 Words: War, timeline, decode, solitarily, genius

This movie is talk about how a man builds a machine to decode all the message during the World War II and win the War.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

start from a wall, with crossword puzzles moving around

moving to the left (present time)

speed up, and some line show up

the gray background show up, switch to illustrator (war)

some line stop moving

the only line connect to a machine

something inside the machine

a lot of squares, with different color

every square moving around

the color squares gone

zoom in

switch back to footage, the square become a building (present time)

watercolor show up

switch to picture (childhood)

The title film is going to have 3 different time line and switching back and forward. Footages are present time, illustrators are war, pictures are childhood. This title film is using the same tone with crossword puzzles moving around

Final Film Titles