DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Josua Stabner Assignment 2

Film Research

The opening scenes are of Turning and a detective in a interrogation room

We can already start to see that Turing was not a neat or organized individual

we are also introduced right away to the character that we would hate the most in the movie

Turing in his extremely messy kitchen

Turing and many young children departing from a train station

Many different videos and pictures of war from the beginning titles

The facility where everything happens

A few members of his team

The Enigma machine

The two most hated characters in the beginning of the movie

Throughout the movie we are shown scenes of Turing's childhood and how horribly treated he was.

Being shoved into a hole and locked in with wooden bars by bullies at his school

His only friend that he had at his school

Citizens would do Turing's puzzle even when the had to go down into bomb shelters

Scenes of war are of course scattered all throughout this movie

Ms. Clarke finishing Turing's test before every other applicant

Some members of his team grew tired and irritated of Turing and lashed out at him and his machine

Commander Denniston, Turing's boss, suspects one of the members of the team is a soviet spy

The machine Turing has been working on for so long is finally complete

With the machine making no progress Denniston shuts it down and almost fires Turing.

But Turing's colleagues threaten to quit if they fire Turing, showing the bond that was created between the team

Turing makes a breakthrough to fix his machine

The machine works, it can now break the enigma code of every nazi message immediately

and of course everyone is stunned by Turing's discovery.

Turing testing the message on the actual enigma machine to make sure it works

it works

Turing telling the government that his discovery must be kept a secret and to not change any current battle plans until they develop a way to change their battle plans without the Nazi's knowing they broke enigma

Shortly after Turing discovers who the soviet spy was but did nothing because the spy knew of Turing's homosexuality which would of ruined Turing's life if anyone found out.

We learn that the entire movie was Turing telling it in an interrogation room to the detective we saw at the beginning of the movie

Turing as a young boy learns that his one and only friend who he developed feelings for died while he was away from school

We leave the flashback and discover an article in the movie saying that Turing has been arrested for 'gross indecency'

Turing was given two options, go to jail for two years or be chemically castrated to 'cure' his homosexuality

After one year of government-mandated hormonal therapy, Alan Turning committed suicide at the age of 41


During World War II Alan Turing was an English computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, mathematician, theoretical biologist and regarded as one of the main reasons for winning the war. The movie begins with authorities going to Turing's home to investigate a robbery but later instead arresting Turing for 'gross indecency'. This is later in the time line with the main plot having already occurred; the opening scenes show Turing going to a facility named "Bletchley Radio Manufacturing" to apply for a position to help decode one of the toughest encryption systems in the world that was being used by Nazi Germany at the time. He showed up to his interview very hot headed, having already been in his future boss' office without his knowledge and answering virtually every question with pure arrogance. Moving forward into the story, the movie shows us that the war has started becoming worse and worse and the atmosphere becomes more tense, Turing and his team of 6 other men do not get along with each other and while the 6 other men try endlessly to break the enigma code Turing is using funding on something completely different, a machine. Turing understood that the amount of time it would take to break the enigma code would be more lifetimes than anyone could of imagined and he knew that in order to beat this machine he had to create his own machine. His colleagues did not agree with what he wanted to do and many became very irritant and grew much hatred towards Turing. So to resolve this he sent a letter to his bosses boss explaining why he should be the one in charge of the team so he was able to get the parts and funding required to create his machine. Once he was granted his position as the new leader his first act was to fire 1/4 of the current team and to send out an extremely difficult crossword puzzle to the public as the initiation requirement to get an interview for the newly opened positions on the team. One of whom was woman, Joan Clark, who was nearly escorted out of the testing room with the other few applicants who were able to solve the crossword puzzle because of the fact she was a woman. Turing stopped the guards and proceeded with the test, only to find out that she was the best applicant out of every single one there. Once he completed his team he continued his work on his machine, but yet again his team started growing hatred for him and went back to what they were originally doing and not helping Turing with his machine. Eventually Ms. Clarke was able to convince him to be more understanding and friendly to his fellow colleagues and eventually grew a bond with all of them. Throughout the movie things started turning even more tense with the completion of his machine but with no results as even the machine could not solve the enigma code within the 24 hours they had. The movie grew so tense that Turing would of been fired if it were not for his fellow colleagues that would of quit if he was fired. The movie progresses still with what seems to be no solution to Turing's machine until one night he discovers a breakthrough and ultimately completes the machine and is able to break the enigma code for each Nazi message instantly. Although they have made such war changing discovery Turing decided that it must be kept a secret for the Nazi's would change all the ways they communicate and the last two years of work to break the enigma code would have been for nothing. The government agrees and Turing and his team create a way to decide which troops to save and which to sacrifice; towards the end of the movie we see that the entire story we have just saw was Turing himself telling the story to the detective we saw at the beginning of the movie and they were playing The Imitation Game and asked the detective to judge. Immediately we could see the disgust in the detectives eyes as to what he had just done, arrest and set Turing's future for the worst.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 Words: War, Outsider, Non-Fiction, Suspense, Pioneer.
The Imitation Game is a movie about the man who is commonly considered today to be the father of computing for his World War II machine "Christopher" that was able to break the enigma, the Nazi's, code and ultimately win the war.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

Final Film Titles