DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Kile Howard: Assignment 2

Film Research

this shot is important because it shows the bright colors that are in the dreams and how realistic they are.

this image shows how the dreams will self destruct if the dreamer discovers the dream isn't real.

the shot shows the detail in the architecture and design of the dreams.

this is also another scene where the colors are bright and the mood is more of a happy scene until the actor gets anxiety and then their surrounds start to explode and become chaotic.

this shows the architecture and how the film goes to the extreme when designing. some design that are shown are not possible so it makes the scene look more dream like.

this is just another scene showing the architecture of the dream state.

this is the main element of the movie. this suitcase is how the people are put under to the dream state.

this is showing the ideology that is taking place in the movie. the idea o inception and the development of it.

the development of design and conceptualization of the dream.

how the actors are in the dream state.


When the mind is most vulnerable Leonardo DeCaprio as Dom Cobbs extract people’s secrets when they are the most vulnerable. Using the subconscious in the dream state of the most complex part of the body to discover and learn about the subconscious and the ways of people. Creating dreams within a dream of levels upon levels of architecture and design to convince the dreamer that they are in an authentic dream for him or her to fill with their unique ideas and experiences. Cobb’s rare ability attracts the business of corporate espionage. A company assigns Cobb the job of inception. Instead of extracting an idea Cobbs must plant an idea in the subconscious. When a fully developed and functioning idea is placed in the subconscious the mind can’t get rid of it. If Cobbs completes this job he gets a second chance at life.
This movie is developed with an abstraction. An abstraction that is built off layers of complex scenes. The movie has layers in which the viewer must navigate to understand the order of the movie. The movie starts off in a dream and then comes back to reality and then back to a dream. There is a back and further motion within the scenes between reality and the subconscious of dreams. The structure of the dreams starts off with a baseline story of reality and then continues into the subconscious with very detail architecture and design. The color scheme in the reality is of cool colors that are mostly dull and in the dream state, the colors varies of vivid and bright colors.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

This film is a exciting and suspenseful sci-fi ideation of extracting secrets and implanting illegitimate thought in the subconscious.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

a object that was a key concept in the movie

possible concepts for city landscape.

lines depicting the destruction of a building

a map depicting a abstract view of a city and possibly a brain with type.

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

the line will slide into view from the right and the type will slide into view from the left

once the type is set in place. the type and line will slide out of view from where they came, and a new line will slide into view

the poker chip will roll or slide over to reveal the type

the view will zoom into the poker chip

the screen will eventually turn blue by zooming into the poker chip which will reveal type

the screen will zoom out to show this object

the screen will zoom in again and back out to reveal a blue screen with lines

after the chess piece is created the screen will zoom in/out to reveal these lines

after the lines build the chair it will begin to fall out of the screen

once the chair falls out of the screen, the type will slide out of view

the front of a airplane will slide into view like it is on a runway about to take off

type will slide in/out of view as the airplane moves into view

once the airplane take off and moves out of view it, the line will move across the screen

Final Film Titles