DES 251 Digital Media Design III

T’Yanna Moore: Assignment 2

Film Research

The importance of this photo is in the words behind V: Strength through unity, unity though faith. Its ironic that this is an ad that is supported by the government but the government's actions display the exact opposite.

This part of the clip shows Chancellor Sutler's speech in attempt to rally his supporters and the more he'd gain power, the more aggressive is supporters became.

"ideas are bulletproof" is a phrase means that one's idea cannot be destroyed by others.

This scene is simply the birth and creation of what starts off as an individuals vengeance that grows into resentment of an entire nation.

I thought of this photo as the final resting place for an idea that reached its purpose and succeeded in an act of vengeance. Still masked,V may be put to rest but the "idea" will never rest.

I believe this picture is more than a fight scene. Its another visual representation of a group with higher power attempting to destroy the hope and brilliance of a culture or group of oppressed individuals.

In this photo Evey is shown rejoicing in the rain which may be considered odd because in rain most people search for shelter but after being in V's sanctuary for an entire year she embraces nature's unappreciated gifts.

This shows the people who followed the rules and believed in the system, will now see that system fall apart for the better of the nation.

I think of the photo as a beautiful mess. Yes, buildings are on fire but the people are satisfied.

Towering Evey stands the protagonist, V. In my point of view this photo symbolizes the dark resentment of Evey being represented in a human form.


Based in the year 2020, V for Vendetta takes place in Britain which is under the rule of a fascist dictator that simply doesn't allow freedom in exchange for guaranteed national safety. This film proposes the question of justified terrorism. The entire story focuses on series of terrorist tactics performed by the story's protagonist, V, in order to rebel against the authoritarian government. While viewing this film I noticed the contrast between the perception of V's rebellion: whether his acts were insubordinate to revolutionary. The most notable events were the flashbacks that foreshadow V's reasoning for possessing so much resentment. V was once a prisoner in a concentration camp that held experiments to find a cure to a recent national disease. Most prisoners suffered gruesome deaths. As a result of their final experiment the camp caught fire and V escaped he conflagration with severely damaged skin on his face and body. Spending years planning his revenge, V assassinates the key members responsible for the creation of the concentration camp. As for the dictating rule over Britain, V destroys the Old Bailey and then the Houses of Parliament. The civilians of Britain all gathered to watch the explosions in support of V. Finally the people recognize their appreciation of the fact that they're not alone in the dissatisfaction with the government and now have the courage to deft the system.
In my point of view the theme of this film is that ideas are so powerful that they cannot be destroyed. An idea can take the form of man, woman, child, and anything else imaginable. And as an idea it can't die cause it can also be passes along through speech, action and influence.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: Inhumane, Venal, Vice, Resentful, Defiance
Thesis statement: This film showcases an inhumane and venal government that's driven by vice but withholds resentful citizens that fight back with defiance.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

paint spreads downward into V shape

camera pans downward to follow paint flow

as the transition the camera continues to follow the paint into a new shape which is a triangle anchored in the upper left corner

in the upper right corner another triangle is revealed from the paint flowing through

once the paint reaches the last point in the triangle, it begins to fill the silhouette of the main character, V.

HUGO WEAVING is revealed in white text when it comes in contact with the paint filling the silhouette

paint continues to fall downwards from the silhouette and the camera follows

the paint then begins to spread and fill the entire screen

NATALIE PORTMAN in white text is shown once it comes in contact with paint

screen goes black

as an abstraction of rain drops, white paint drops begin to appear on the screen 1 by 1

when a drop of paint reaches a particular coordinate it exposes the name of a cast member

hard cut transition; paint fills silhouette of police officer

camera zooms outward to display the entire shape of police officer #2. the paint also reveals cast names similarly to HUGO WEAVING and NATALIE PORTMAN

hard cut transition; paint starts to fills more triangles

over time more and more triangles appear

with each new set of triangles a name fades in then fades out as another triangle comes in

with beat from music, screen goes black like a light turned off then the screen goes back to the white textured background

to finalize the title sequence red paint fills the mask silhouette

as the entire mask slowly fills the name of the movie fades in

Each hard cut in this title sequence is catalyzed by a bass drop in the music.

Final Film Titles