DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Vanessa Martinez Assignment 2

Film Research


Jack Hall voices his concerns at a conference regarding a shift in climate. His concerns are ignored until the changes in weather take a turn for the worst. Natural disasters begin to wreak havoc all over the world and Jack advises the President to evacuate everyone in the southern states to head further south to Texas, Florida, and Mexico. It's too late to evacuate those in the northern states. While this is happening his son, Sam, is in Manhattan for an academic competition but gets caught in a storm. The storm took a turn for the worse causing him and his friends to seek refuge in the library along with other people. Upon hearing this, Jack instructs Sam to stay indoors and wait out the storm. Jack, along with his teammates, set out on the perilous journey to save his son and return home. Sam and the rest of the group try to stay warm by burning books and breaking vending machines for food. Laura, a teammate on Sam's academic team and romantic interest, becomes ill and requires penicillin. Sam, Brian and J.D board the ship to find medicine, but are attacked by wolves that had escaped the zoo during the storm. They make it to safety and return to the library, narrowly avoiding the deep freeze which would have resulted in their deaths. Jack's team suffers a heavy loss when one of his teammates chose to sacrifice himself in order for the rest to continue on with the journey. They continue the journey to save his son and finally arrive in New York city. Jack finds his son and others in the library where they are rescued by soldiers flying in helicopters. As they fly over the city, they see more helicopters rescuing people.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

The Day After Tomorrow centers around Sam Hall's attempt to survive the deep freeze and his father, Jack Hall, journeying to save his son from the catastrophic natural disaster.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

Final Film Titles