DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Previous Examples: Book Cover

The animation here highlights the 3-dimensionality of the composition. The sequence enhances the idea of something simple becoming very complex and interleaved over time. Something you can't separate any more.

Cesar Phillips

In and out movement visually connects to a breathing organism. Full 16:9 aspect ratio is used to place elements which widens the possibilities and creates dynamic.

George Acuna

Here a new meaning is added with animation. The sequential character of the transformation becomes visible. At the same time this clip visualizes one personality taking over (red).

Amy Cheung

Animation serves the purpose to clarify/explain/underline an idea.

George Acuna

Visualization of sequential transformation is a layer of added meaning. Typography is integrated in the animation (as oppose to being an afterthought). Downward movement is highlighted.

Alison Eck

Pealing off and revealing something, the idea of the book cover design, becomes more apparent through the means of animation

Greta McGuire

Additional meanings are added through animation: Heartbeat rhythm, positive/negative, sequential qualities representing multiple transformations of personalities over time.

Storyboard example
Kyle Rang

Additional meaning through animation. Positive/negative shifts visualize shifting personalities. Growth and complexity are connected to more extreme shifts.

Colleen Ehrhart

Fiery activity in movement symbolize increasing danger over time. Slowly making silhouette shape visible adds interest.

Brian Von Kaenel