DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Motion Designer Presentation

Starting in February we'll have 1 presentation in the beginning of each class. Presentations are about a Motion Designers and their work. The designer will be assigned to you. Work in groups of two. The presentations can be brief (approximately 10-15 minutes long).

All presentations should be uploaded to the class website and consist of a few paragraphs about the designer and his/her work as well as links to clips you can find on VIMEO of YOUTUBE.

Talking points could be, for example

One online resource where you can find examples and interviews for almost every designer is The Art of the Title


Submit your presentation to the class website also. It's the same procedure as for the first 2 exercises: Login to the admin/publish section, go to CREATE and choose "251-s18-Students-A3" (or "B3"). Refer to this page for login info and details.

There are now three sections to submit work: "A1 / B1" includes the first tow assignments (emotions and kinetic type), "A2 / B2" is the film titles and "A3 / B3" is the place where you should submit this Homework assignment.

Schedule A

Schedule B