DES 251 Digital Media Design III


Film Research

Started with the scene of linguist Louise Banks's daughter. The movie beginning with the mood that is peaceful and steady. Compare with the rest of movie this scene had the color that is brighter and warm. In the movie, the audience will not realize the time period until the end of the story.

Hannah dies in early adulthood from an incurable illness. This scene set up the primary color tone for rest movie which is cold and gloomy. The time period follows the first scene. The mood here reveals sorrow so do not have any bright color in this scene.

The scene jumps back to the real-time period of the movie, the day that twelve extraterrestrial spacecraft appear at twelve locations across Earth. The empty school's cafeteria shows the anxiety and panic from this event. The color tone here still remains in cold and gloomy, the orange chairs adding the color to the scene. The mood is strange and dilemma.

U.S. Army officer recruits Louise for figuring the purpose that these aliens come to the Earth. The mood here still follows the scene in the front, the few colors adding here also variety the frames.

This is the scene when they arrive the camp. The light here shows the time period of morning and the mood that entrance the main theme of language.

The scene which Louise and Ian first enter the spacecraft the orange color and lightbox reveal the two spaces.

The first time complicated circular symbols (their language) appear in the whole movie. The color tone still stays in cold black color. The heptapods appearance could be defined by their silhouette.

The scene when Louise tried to understand their writing language while they return to camp. The color tone became warmer since they use yellow light in this act.

The way how circular symbols present in the movie.

The complex message expressed by heptapods. This scene brought the whole movie to climax. The color here still in the cold color tone. And reveal the circular symbols as the silhouette.

This is the scene when Louise reenter the spacecraft after the explosion. the light here is really bright which reveal the scene which every question got the explanation.

This drawing shows the hint of Hannah's father.

The scene when spacecraft complete mission and leave the Earth. The setting of the scene set up in dawn which sent out the mood of hope. The movie at this point turns into bright and warm color scheme.

The scene reveals the peaceful and fearless mood. Louise accepts her future even she knew that she will face to the fact that her daughter will die in early adulthood.

The art pieces which are made by Hannah. Refer the appearance of heptapods. the color scheme still follows the whole movie but adding few color to the film which makes this scene more active and positive.

The last scene of the movie which shows Louise's decision. Giving out the hopeful mood to the audience by using the light from nature sunshine.


The movie started with the scene of linguist Louise Banks's daughter Hannah dies in young age.
Then scene turn to the day that twelve extraterrestrial spacecraft appear at twelve locations across Earth. In order to find out their purpose of coming to Earth, U.S. Army officer recruits Louise and physicist Ian Donnelly. Louise tries to communicate with the aliens whom they call "heptapods", she starts to teach them English and meanwhile collect more information about their language. When Louise studies their language, she starts to see the visions of Hannah, her daughter, however, she does not know why she saw this vision. When she is able to ask what is their purpose on Earth. They answer “offer weapon.” However, at the other side of the Earth, Chinese army translates their answer into “use weapon.” This situation prompting these twelve countries to break off communications. But Louise deems that the word "weapon" can also mean "tool" in some language. In order to verify the meaning of the word “weapon,” they went back to the spacecraft, however, army officer plant a bomb in the craft while they re-enter. In the craft, heptapods offered an extremely complex message to Louise and Ian. When explode, heptapods push them out to the craft in order to protect them. After Louise and Ian return to the camp, they figure out that the complex message they got is just one-twelfth of the message. However, no other countries want to recommunicate with each other. Louise goes alone to the craft. The heptapods explains that they have come to help humanity since they will need humanity's help after 3,000 years, and the "weapon" they offer to human is their language, which allows humans to see their future, and this explains the reason why Louise will continue see the vision of Hannah, her daughter, who does not exist yet. Finally, Louise uses this “weapon” to persuade other countries to re-communicate with each other.
The last scene of the movie rested on the scene of Hannah.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Language is the powerful weapon which urges war or peace, how you define it all base on your decision.


Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

Final Film Titles