DES 251 Digital Media Design III


Film Research

The title sequence for the movie displays the overall tone; gloom and darkness. Judging from the dark scenes with the hint of blood, the audience becomes aware that this movie will show horror scenes with dark overtones.

This scene introduces one of the supporting and main characters of the whole film: Anthony and Sweeney Todd. This scene displays their differences in character: Anthony being the optimistic sailor while Todd is overburdened and darkened by being mistreated in the world and is therefore placed as a character filled with hate and sadness.

This scene is important because it is the only, first scene where the setting shows bright colors and light, unlike the gloomy London scene from before. This differs from the current day to Todd's flashback from when his life was much more simpler and happier, before his tragedy struck.

When Todd arrives to his old home, the environment (located during the Victorian times in London) is portrayed as a gloomy, dark, place despite this scene being taken during the day. It shows how Todd's feelings of depression and misfortune is also being shown in the environment around him.

This scene shows the two different interests of the main characters. Todd is reunited with his "best friend"; his razor while Mrs. Lovett is in love with Todd himself but his lack of interest in her shows how he doesn't noticed her feelings. He is more invested in his power to have revenge on the people who have wronged him.

Johanna is introduced in her room, where she is locked away from the world outside her window. Her facial expression and singing monologue reveals how can she live if she feels trapped behind the walls of her home, therefore the blue, gray undertones of the scene, displaying her feelings of melancholy.

Judge Turpin is the antagonist of the movie, the scene where he confronts Anthony for "gandering" at his ward (Johanna) shows how the movie portrays him as an evil antagonist. His face is stern and shadows develop and wrap around his facial features, revealing he is not a character to be befriended.

Todd and Mrs. Lovett are having a talk about learning to wait for Todd to have his revenge on Judge Turpin. As the scene shows them conversing in the broken mirror, it shows how both of these characters are flawed in different ways and broken from what has happened to them and foreshadowing poor decisions they will make. The dark scene gives off the impression that their is no gleam of hope for these characters.

After failing from his first attempt to murder Judge Turpin, Todd has this fantasy where he will wait for the world to come to his shop to be murdered because "they all deserve to die", including himself. He is "alive" from this new purpose he has given himself and as the scene's overtones doesn't change in feeling or color, viewers can tell Todd is stuck in a life of sorrow and hate.

This scene signifies Mrs. Lovett's idea of turning Todd's victims into meat for her meat pies. Todd agrees with her idea and they look out of their window into the streets of London for potential victims. The cleaver in Todd's hand and the rolling pin in Mrs. Lovett's hand symbolize their roles and personalities as a vengeful murderer and a con woman.

Gray and black scenes pop out from the bright color of blood that is shown, this is a recurring theme throughout the whole movie. As Todd is determined to kill, he is still saddened from the nightmares of his past and desperately misses his wife and daughter that were taken from him by Judge Turpin.

The oven is finally introduced in the film and has its own scene in its own shot, its signifies death and foreshadowing death in the film, regardless of giving off some light that deters the film from its common color palettes of blues, blacks and grays.

A side character from the film (a beggar woman) senses that Mrs. Lovett's meat pies are not good and decides to investigate. She, unfortunately, shows up at the wrong time and is killed by Todd, later on becoming another one of Todd's grave mistakes.

The climax of the film displays an abundance of blood as Todd finally takes his revenge on Judge Turpin. The blood splatters on the window signifying the foreshadowing from the title sequence of the film during the beginning of the movie.

The oven's light shinning on the beggar woman, reveals Todd has killed his wife Lucy. He realizes his mistake and in a rage, figures out Mrs. Lovett lied to him about the whereabouts of his wife. This scene is important because it shows how the sequence of events in this film were not going to end up in a happy ending and Todd's revenge hasn't given him relief but more sorrow.

After burning Mrs. Lovett in the oven in a state of rage, Todd holds his wife and lets Toby (their servant boy) kill him because this is Todd's tragedy and he let Toby kill him because as Todd said before "we all deserve to die" even himself. As the final scene pulls out, we see Todd bleed all over his wife, as he stares into her face and slowly dies himself.


Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a horror/musical film that takes place in the Victorian times in London. Sweeney Todd or in is past life: Benjamin Barker, has become a character burdened by unlawful decisions put on him by the antagonist: Judge Turpin. Before the backstory, Sweeney Todd arrives back to London after his 15 years sentence away living in Australia. Being put away on false charges and being separated from his wife Lucy and child Johanna has left Todd to be overburdened and filled with hate and sorrow in his heart. On his voyage back to London, he meets a sailor named Anthony who later crosses into Todd's life later in the film. He tells Anthony about his past where Judge Turpin separated him from his wife and child on false charges in order to have his wife for his own, this later ends with Todd's wife being molested and in her demise, decides to kill herself from poisoning. This gives Turpin the chance to adopt Todd's child Johanna as his own. When Todd is told about what happened to his family from Mrs. Lovett's account (who conveniently leaves out the part where his wife survived her suicide), Todd is determined to have his revenge on Judge Turpin and others involved.
Sweeney Todd is a film based on sorrow, revenge and hate. The film from the very start, is layered in tragedy. Todd's decisions along with Mrs. Lovett's created a world where they take matters in their own hands and affect the lives of many innocent people. Mrs. Lovett does so for her infatuation with Todd while Todd acts on his revenge and becomes obsessed with death and murder. He becomes blinded by his hate and sorrow and becomes the most terrible thing to ever happen to himself. On the side story with Anthony trying to free Johanna from Judge Turpin's clutches, Johanna is seen as a character who's never had affection from a normal family or hasn't even had a life for that matter because she was treated as a possession by Judge Turpin. In the end, Johanna's life is up to the audience's imagination because despite of Anthony saving her, she is traumatized from her past and doesn't know how to live a normal life.
Pursing this further, as Todd kills innocent people to be meat supply for Mrs. Lovett's pies, Todd finally gets Judge Turpin closer to him by manipulating every character in his path but before that he ends up killing a beggar woman who almost discovered his evil intentions. As the climax of the entire movie comes to an end where Todd finally kills Judge Turpin in a bloody mess, he discovers in the oven room that the beggar woman he killed ended up being his wife, thus discovering Mrs. Lovett lied to him because she loved him. In the end, Todd's revenge didn't give him relief or a happy ending but living with the guilt of unknowingly killing his deranged wife, and in the final scene he lets Toby (his servant boy) kill him with his own razor, ending the tragedy with him dying as he holds his wife in his arms.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: tragedy, revenge, sorrow, melancholy, gloom
This film is a horror/musical inevitably set for tradegy where revenge becomes the main purpose and end for most characters.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

matte silhouettes will move down, may appear in different complementary colors. Titles move depending on each broken piece

face silhouettes will move right leaving other shapes in its path, titles also move on its each piece

blood (brush stroke) revolves around title. Background shapes move randomly but give each other shape space

Continuing blood (brush) strokes, titles also moves depending on its broken piece

Red line cuts up background, titles will move in different directions and be slowly revealed (using a mask). Background decor will roll along the lines on each side

Blood (brush) swirls around text, each individual letter of "Sweeney Todd" floats on its own, subtitle stays stagnant

matte silhouettes will move down in switch motion, titles move on each broken piece

Final Film Titles