DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Bianchi – Blow

Film Research

Setting is brough back to when he was a child in the 1960s. Grew up with a father that worked hard and loved him and a mother that wasn’t happy with any of it. This is a very critical point where George’s father is becoming poor and George states that he “never wants to be poor” (What initiated his mentality). Launching the movie into what would be the present chronolgical order of it. Was shot in a way that made it look like older film.

After a while of owning their beaches as drug dealers they ran into an old friend who convinced them that his people back home would buy a lot of his stuff. So with the help of George’s girlfriend Barbara who was a stewardess at the time, they started flying out pounds to Dulli who lived near a lot of college campuses. This got to the point where they needed to find a way to get more product from place to place. This part of the movie sort of speeds through them doing this process a couple of times like a montage in some instances.

Most scenes have a hazy look to it, like this one where they have smoke around them as they count their money and realize that they’re getting middle manned and look into finding the source for better prices. Slowly getting greedy for more.

After looking into Mexico for a supplier, the group bought a house on a hill to enjoy their riches. This was one of the last times everyone would be as happy as they were. A lot of love going around in this setting. Very tropical colors as well.

Not too long after that, George got caught with 660 pounds of marijuana on him in Chicago, IL. This is where the mood of the movie starts a sort of rollercoaster effect. The colors in this scene appear to give off a gloomy mood.

George finds out that Barbara has cancer and she doesn’t have enough time for him to serve his time in jail. Another wave of depression has hit him and his decision making is clouded.

While doing his time, George met a man by the name of Diego Delgado. They became friends and Diego convinced George to get into the business of selling cocaine once they were released from jail. The setting is gloomy and lacking vibrance.

After getting out of jail and becoming business partners, Diego finds a way to get Pablo Escobar to meet George. This is where they start making very large amounts of money. Montage sort of scenes where Diego and George are selling cocaine to some of the richest people in North America due to their level of product purity. (Colombia)

This is in relation to the prior image since it was part of the montage. Diego and George had a house with $3 million in it and in the 1970s, 85% of the cocaine bought in North America was from George Jung. They had flooded the market and were living larger than ever. Mood is very upbeat and ambitious. Colors are very vibrant.

After quite a while of working together, things between Diego and George were getting a little rough since Diego begged to know who George’s west coast man was (Derek Foreal) to take over the business. The mood starts getting gloomy and tension is created between these men. (California)

After losing a lot of his business to Diego and Derek whom were working together he had a daughter. This changes him completely. He went sober, slowed down his selling of drugs, and lived purely to make sure that his daughter was happy and set for anything that came her way. The movies focus which was the selling of drugs has now switched to having George’s emotions towards his daughter play a large role in the film.

Having gotten arrested again because of his wife he felt lost and knew that after the 3 year sentence he would one day see his little girl again. The scene where they see eachother after he got out of jail.

Looking to make money he gets set up by his old friend Dulli. This is the scene the movie started on. The men next to George at the moment are undercover agents trying to bust him again. George is completely startled by it all.

Many years after that, the movie ends on a scene were George is imagining that his daughter is visiting him, the only person who meant the world to him. Only thing is that once a guard calls out his name he snaps out of his daydream realizing that his daughter was never there, questioning himself yet also realizing that she’d never come visit him and he would rot in jail.


Based on the true story of George Jung, a major North American drug dealer, the movie takes us through George’s life as a child all the way to his great fall in the 1980s. Depp is able to give the character the ambitious yet underdog sensation where he doesn’t have to say a lot to get his point across. The movie tends to be about drug trafficking but it actually gives a great understanding of how life was for a drug dealer in the 70s trying to get rich and then losing that all and being left with nothing but a daughter, which he has towards the end of his trafficking days. The movie’s focus besides to tell the story of Jung’s business, switched to his daughter and how great of an influence she had on him. The visual texture of the scenes change throughout to try to give the viewer the sensation that it was shot in the past and other parts were shot in the present time. Nonetheless, Depp and his charismatic energy keep the focus on him from being afraid of going broke with his father at the age of 10, to losing $3 million to the Colombian government and getting ratted out by his most trusted business partners. With a very demoralizing tone it’s hard to escape the depression that hits Mr. Jung, then again, the film is still very upbeat since the setting was around the disco era. The soundtrack of the movie sets the right tone for the adventures, hardships, and riches that lay ahead of George Jung.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Film Title: BLOW
5 Words: Money, Drugs, Heartbreak, Betrayal, Adventure
Thesis Statement: The film is based on a true story of a drug dealer that became one of the wealthiest drug trafficking men in North America and lost it all in the same run.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board