DES 251 Digital Media Design III


Film Research

The image shows a representation of these men who are enjoying themselves getting hurts and fighting others.

This shows the outside of the fight club world, and one going back to their normal life but not without their scars.

This is a scene where Brad Pitt is telling Edward Norton to let go of the wheel and to stop trying to control everything.

This shows Edward Norton's lifestyle through his clothing.

This show's Edward Norton's male counterpart's (Brad Pitt) lifestyle through his clothing.

This scene is showing the consumerism of today through furniture of IKEA.

This is another scene showing how we stay up flipping through over 1000 channels, showing us how we are wasting our lives.

The filter of the movie is a somewhat dirty, dulled out green with and the lighting only darkens his eyes more.

This is showing how Edward Norton gave up his IKEA condo life and is now living in an abandoned house with a reused dirty floor mattress, a leaking sealing, and wallpaper that is coming off.

This is showing another idea on how dirty the atmosphere of the movie is, where the actress in a reused bland bridesmaid dress.


Watching Fight Club, I immediately was greeted with hostility. The low lighting and dulled colors created a boring and dirty atmosphere helping to push the idea of hitting rock bottom. The low lighting also creates much contrast on the characters faces by placing the light above or on one side of the actors/actresses to create darkened eyes and faces. Some special effects were added such as panning and subliminal messages in the movie; for example, Brad Pitt in the beginning or the explicit scene at the end spliced in to the film for one second.

The contrast between the two main characters is also shown when it comes to their appearances; Edward Norton wearing suits that represent the consumer society and Brad Pitt breaking being the opposite, wearing reused clothes but in a stylish out of control way representing the freedom to do anything. Their relationship becomes forms a duality of lifestyles, but soon one realizes that they’re actually the same person.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: rock-bottom, sacrifice, fight clubs, freedom, consumer

This film shows how the main character hits rock-bottom through sacrifice and fight clubs to achieve freedom from the consumer lifestyle while also struggling to figure out what his role is in his male counterpart’s relationship.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

I chose to go with a black and white color scheme with an addition to red.

The composition consists of icons that show consumerism with a beat up look to each making it looked reused.

The blood spatter shows how the movie is showing its fight against our "consumer-driven lives".

The switch from white to black is suppose to look like a subliminal message.

The switch is suppose to blink replicating an interference and showing the duality of the character and movie.

Brad Pitt is more black because he is opposite of Edward Norton. In the beginning Brad Pitt is white because he still is part of Edward Norton.

Final Film Titles