DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Kymia Robinson: A Beautiful Mind

Film Research

The movie begins with Nash in college. This scene introduces his roommate Charles and later on his niece.

Nash is shown visiting the Pentagon and being asked to help decipher coded transmissions coming in from Moscow. Here is where he gets his first glimpse of William.

In this scene Nash is teaching a class, as a result of a grant, this is also where he meets his future wife for the first time.

Nash meets William, from the Department of Defense. He is asked to decipher hidden codes within different newsprints, and he's implanted with a device that holds the access codes to his job spot essentially making him a government spy.

In this scene Nash and Alicia are on their first day at a major event. Alicia asked Nash after turning in a solution to a math problem which Nash immediately told her was wrong. A few scenes later they get married.

During all of this time, Nash has been completing his drops with decoded messages from the government. However, with this particular drop, William arrives stating that his location has been compromised and a car chase ensues as they are attacked by Russians.

At this point in the film, Nash has been acting out of character, and saying that people are out to get him. It is a this point Alicia and Nash's friends stumble upon what Nash has really been doing and she has him forcibly committed for psychiatric help. Alicia later meets with Nash to tell him she's seen everything and to tell him that it is not real.

Insulin shock therapy was one of the practices used during that time to help cure Nash of his illness. They also provided medicine as well that affected his mood and emotions.

In this scene Nash has been home for a while and is still under the influence of the medicine he's taking. He and Alicia have had a son together but because of the medicine Nash has become a very stoic and emotionless person. He hates how they make him feel, he can't seem to think properly, and he hates the effects his personality is having on the relationship with his wife so he decides to stop taking them.

Alicia leaves Nash with the baby giving him a bath while she attends to laundry. While she is outside she hears the radio in the barn. Up inspection she sees that Nash has relapsed and has begun to decipher newsprints again. She immediately runs back into the house to find the baby sitting at the bottom of the tub with that water running while Nash is trying to close a window. When she goes to chastise him, his response is that Charles was watching him.

During their argument, William shows up stating that Alicia knows to much and she must now be killed. Nash, in an attempt to protect his family pushes her which causes Alicia to flee from the house. It is a this time Charles' niece shows up and it is then that Nash realizes that through out of all these years she has never gotten older.

As Nash confronts his illness head on, he decides that he would deal with the illness without the use of medication or shock therapy. He continues to see Charles, his niece, and Williams but fights to ignore and not interact with them. Later when meeting new people, he would confirm if they are are real or not by asking if other people can see them.


The movie is about a mathematical genius named John Nash Jr. who is known for his straight forward thinking and having no verbal filter. He spends a great deal of time studying the Riemann hypothesis and trying to prove that he had come across a solution. During this time is when his mental illness began to profess. Nash claimed he would often converse and argue with voices inside his head. He began to believe that he was chosen to decipher hidden messages within the papers and that people wearing red ties where members of a government agency sent to kill him. Despite his illness he was able to find love, and it's later after they are married that his wife discovers exactly what Nash is going through and he is diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The creation of the movie itself portrays all of these concepts but with a bit of exaggeration to help the viewer get a better sense of what is happening. The beginning was constructed in a way that the viewer would not realize when Nash was having delusions, everything blended together. As the illness progresses, so do the scenes in the movie until everything becomes surreal, chaotic, and intense and you realize just how far the delusions go. The music also plays an important part as it intensifies as the scene becomes more active creating a feeling similar to an adrenaline rush.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Deceptive, Inspiring, Cryptic, Intense, Surreal

Thesis Statement:
In this film, a mathematical genius learns the truth about his reality and overcomes his mental illness by learning to differentiate between what is real and what is not.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles