DES 251 Digital Media Design III

KyraJones- Heathers

Film Research

Beginning of the movie introduces the three main colors: red, yellow, and green. The movie puts emphasis on red.

This cafeteria scene where JD shoots blanks at bullies but doesn't get expelled. Very metaphorical. Dull colors.

Veronica and JD see each other at gas station. There are very colorful signs all over the store. JD is always seen in black and Veronica is seen in dark colors as well.

Heather Chandler is seen wearing red. She is the leader of the Heathers and the leader always wears red. This scene is very upbeat since they are at a college party.

Veronica confesses to JD she wants to see Heather Chandler puke her guts out. This scene is at night so there are hardly any colors shown. It has a very dark feel.

Veronica and JD sneak into Heather’s home the next morning. Heather Chandler's room is very colorful. Again, emphasis on shades of red.

Heather McNamara, who is always seen in yellow, asks Veronica to go on a double date with her. The seen is very dull except for the nature. The fact that the guys are drunk and tipping cows shows something about the time period, considering that is the most exciting thing they can think of doing.

Veronica and JD kill 2 jocks. The scenery is all very drab. There is nothing colorful, and it feels lifeless. The police in this scene are shown slacking off and smoking weed. All the adults in the movie are portrayed as useless in a sense.

JD tells Heather Duke that she should be the new “Heather Chandler”. He gives her the red bow that Heather Chandler used to wear. Heather Duke now becomes the Heather in charge, and this is the first time the color red reappears.

Martha, a girl who is often showed being bullied in the film, attempts suicide by walking into traffic. She fails and is teased for “trying to be like the popular kids”. Suicide is beginning to be seen as "cool" within the school.

Heather McNamara attempts suicide by overdose, but Veronica follows and stops her. Heather McNamara is wearing a little bit of yellow, but the most yellow in this scene is all the pills that she spits out.

JD tells Heather Duke to get everyone to sign a petition for the popular group Big Fun to perform their song “Teenage Suicide Don’t Do It” at prom. Veronica asks Heather why she’s such a “mega-bitch” and Heather replies “because I can be”. Heather Duke has completely turned into the new Heather Chandler.

Fed up with JD’s actions, and knowing he is coming to kill her, Veronica pretends to hang herself. JD gets to her room and is upset she beat him to it. He then tells her about his plans to blow up the school the next day at the pep rally. He tells her that the petition everyone signed was actually a mass suicide note. The seen is the darkest of all the other scenes to reflect the severity of the situation.

The next day Veronica finds JD in the boiler room under the gym setting up explosives. They fight. Veronica demands JD to tell her how to stop the bomb, and JD refuses, which results in Veronica shooting his finger off. Up until this point the scene uses the shadows and darkness of the basement to its advantage. The only vibrant color is the blood from JD's blown off finger.

Veronica, relieved, walks outside the school. JD follows. He opens his coat to reveal a bomb strapped to his chest. He blows himself up while Veronica watches and smokes a cigarette. Veronica goes back inside the school and goes up to Martha, who is in a wheelchair after her accident, and asks if she wants to watch movies with her. She says yes, and the movie ends with them walking away and Martha doing circles around Veronica. It is a very cliche ending.


In Heathers, the movie follows a clique of mean girls, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler, and Veronica Sawyer—the only girl in the clique who isn’t named Heather. The movie starts with the Heathers playing croquet, and instead of using an actual wicket, they use Veronica’s head (her body is buried in the ground with just her head sticking out). This scene sets up the status of power between the girls. Heather Chandler is the leader and is always shown wearing red. Heather Duke is always shown wearing green, and Heather McNamara is always wearing yellow. Their colors match their croquet sets as well. There seems to be a theme whenever croquet is being played. The game is usually played to show which Heather is in power. The Heather in power always gets to play as red.
The film tends to make fun of suicide. When Veronica meets love interest JD, she expresses how she hates her friends. To get revenge on Heather Chandler from claiming she will ruin Veronica’s life after puking at a party, Veronica says she would like to see Heather puke her guts. This leads to JD and Veronica sneaking into Heather’s home. Veronica mixes milk with orange juice to make Heather puke, but JD switches the drink for drain cleaner. Heather drinks it and dies, which leads JD to telling Veronica to forge a suicide note. The movie barely shows Veronica feeling remorseful for killing her friend. At Heather’s funeral, her death is made out to be a cool way to die. Veronica and JD then kill two jocks. JD tricks Veronica and says they’ll use fake bullets. Veronica realizes they are real bullets after killing them. JD makes it look like the jocks committed a gay suicide. At the funeral for the jocks, they are made out to be the scapegoats for homophobia. These planned suicides then influenced other students to commit suicide because the popular kids were all doing it. The film is very dark and satirical. It tends to turn serious situation into a laughing matter. The idea of suicide is portrayed as a sort of game.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: Suicide, dark, thriller, bloodlust, cliques

Heathers is a dark comedy following a girl stuck in a clique of mean girls who falls in love with a delusional boy that intends to kill all bullies and poses their deaths as suicides.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

balls fall to ground and erase text

first name appears when balls hit ground

mallet hit balls to the right, erases text

last ball stays, new name appears

ball expands to fill screen with red

Title appears then shot to make bullet holes

blood falls from bullet holes, camera zooms in, name falls in sync with blood

dropping action is replicated through falling sticks, new name appears

ball rolls to erase previous name and reveal next name

ball knocks over sticks, new name appears

sticks fall to reveal next name

two colors on the stick change to silver. the stick begins to (disappear?) or (flash in and out?) as the goal appears.

new name appears and is hit through the goal

the name changes once through the goal. a ball rolls to erase name, camera follows ball to the right off screen

changes to top view, ball rolls to leave a trail and name appears in trail (trail opacity 25%)

camera zooms into trail and opacity is 100%. final name appears

a mallet is thrown across the screen to erase final name


Final Film Titles