DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Mirella Munoz: The 33

Film Research

The Miners are taken into the Mineral San Jose Mine on August 5, 2010.

After the news was spread that in the San Jose Mne collided, family memebers arrived at the location searching for their family memebers who had just enetered the mine. They were given no answers.

Meanwhile, the 33 men stayed together in the refuge. With hot tempatures and a low amount of resources, they had to find ways to all 33 of the men to survive.

The bad conditions caused for many to become impatient. They did not let eachother fall. When they would see one giving up, another would go and give him strength. The men prayed to survive.

Families were not allowed to get close to the mine however, they were built a school, tents, medical center so that the familys can be 24/7 right next to the mine.

After many days, family members were finally given a tiny bit of hope that their family members were still alive. After many attempts to drill into the refuge, they finally got a sign that they have hit the target which was a note saying “We are all well in the refuge. All 33.”

Seeing the drill gave the men even more strength and faith that one day they will be rescued and reunited with their love ones.

After 69 days, the miners were finally told that it was the day they will reunite with thie families. Due to the fact that nothing like this has ever happened in the world before, the first one that will attempt to leave the mine will be risking their life. He can either get stuck as he is being pulled out and not survive or be the only one to survive from all 33.

The whole world was anxious to see the first man to come out alive of what they once thought was a tomb.

The first man makes it alive!

The men celebrate to breathing clean air!

October 13, 2010, the men are reunited with their loved ones.


The movie The 33 was based on a true story. The movie takes place in The Atacama Desert in Chile on August 5, 2010. It all started when 33 men were taken into the mine to dig out gold after the owner had found out that the mine was weak internally. The owner did not give any importance to the fact that 33 men were risking their lives in going into the mine. He just wanted gold. As the men were driving into the mine, they stopped to pray by an alter made for the Virgin. Once inside, the heart of the mountain broke leaving 33 men trapped under approximately 2,000 feet of rock. Outside of the mine, familIies begged for the government to provide the nessesary tools to rescue their loved ones. The rescuers worked nonstop drilling into the intense rock above the heads of the 33 men. Minutes, hours, and days went by with no news of the life of the 33 men. Families did not lose hope; however, the men underneath had very few resources, suffocating heat, and darkness that was making them go impatient. The men felt they were buried alive but the sound of the drill gave them hope. The first attempt of drilling into the ground was not a success because the drill passed right besides the refuge. The rescues learned from their mistakes and tried another attempt. Finally, the drill reached the refuge, the men reacted fast and wrote a note in the drill. Once the rescues took the drill back out, they read the note that the men had sent them giving everyone more strength. On October 13, 2010, 69 days later, the men were resuced one by one and reunited with their families.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement


Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

The 33 miners had faith that one day they will be rescued. Eventually, a virgin was named after them, The Virgin of The 33.

For 69 days, the men lived in darkness.

The miners were breathing dry air for many days. They struggled to breath.

Desert Color Scheme

Men were buried alive and surrounded by heavy rocks.

The mine was located in a desert in Chile.

Deserts are usually extremely hot. However, being stuck hundreds of feet underground was even hotter. Temperatures went over 100 degrees.

This is how the actual entrance of the mine looks like.

A map of the inside of the mine.

The Atacama Desert

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

All names are going to be coming from behind the newspaper and rock texture.

Parts of the number 33 will appear also from behind the newspaper and rock texture.

The 33 will have a bright yellowish light coming from behind.

Final Film Titles