DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Ola-Arrival Movie

Film Research

-First seen in the movie is Louis's House -appears in black and white

-The second seen shows part of Louis's future with her daughter -First colors appeared in the movie is baby blue and pink but in future

-First seen from the present time -Showing that Luis is a college teacher expert in linguistics - the seen is in dull colors

-Alien Ship appears the first time in the news in oval shape -12 Alien shpis arrived and positioned themselves around the world -black and dull blue

- Louis in her way to enter the ship - The second bright color and the first color in present time is Orange

-the gravity in the ship is perpendicular to that of the Earth -the Ship is a hollow rectangular shape from the inside -black and white

-First time Aliens appears but only their silhouettes -fuggy seen

-Circular symbol written by the aliens -Black

-First seen of Luis smiling -she appeared 5 times happy in the whole movie

-Trying to understand the aliens' written text she went closer to them and she wanted to show peace through placing her hand on the glassed wall between them and the Alien did the same -by this the alien stared rewiring her brain to see future -she wears black - fuggy seen

-Trying to translate and understand the language -brownish seen

-aliens lives in a fuggy atmosphere -aliens let Louis enters behind the glass wall -they explain to her why they are her -the movie translated the circular symbols to the viewer through black san-serif text

-Seen from the future -dull -Louis's daughter painted her parents and the bird which was with Luis when she first entered the ship in blue and orange

-seen from the future - Louis's daughter represented her parents in orange clay and the alien in black clay

-Seen from future -Luis wrote a book about the Aliens' language -the book appears in black and white cover with all CAPS

-Aliens left the earth -fuggy seen


12 Alien ships arrived and placed themselves around the world. As a result, the USA government ordered a nationwide shutdown and tried to communicate with the alien ship. They succeeded and recorded the communication, but they need help in understanding it. They seek a help from a college teacher who is expert in linguistics and a physicist to help in another aspect of the ship. They both heard the recorded communication but could not understand anything and they need to enter the ship.

The first time they visited the ship they were very dumbstruck because the ship's gravity is perpendicular to that of the Earth and the sight of 7-legs Alien. She tried to communicate with them using a whiteboard with her name written on it. They actually understood and read it and respond with a circular symbol representing their names by using some uber-cool space ink. This means that they have names like a human and have language and written text to communicate.

The mission is to understand why they are here on Earth. For more than a month, she tried studying their written language. By understanding their language she started to see the past and present and future in a non-linear form. They wanted the human to understand their language and this will rewire humans' brain to perceive time in a non-linear form. This event will unify the world to make human live long, and by that human will help these aliens after 3000 years. The aliens said: "we are her to give you a gift in exchange for helping us after 3000 years".

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

WORDS: language - future - fantasy - sadness - Alien - translation-communicate - circle

STATEMENT: A human started to see the past, present, and future in a non-linear form by understanding circular symbols which are alphabets for aliens to understand the purpose for arrival on earth.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles