DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Spurlock_Silence of the Lambs

Film Research

Clarice Starling meets doctor Hannibal Lector in his cell for the first time. The color scheme of the scene is very dark with shades of brown and gray. Hannibal stands in the middle of the cell and stands out as if he has been waiting for her. The scene is trying to show just how unnerving Hannibal can be with just his introduction.

Another scene showing doctor Hannibal in his cell, but with Clarice in the scene as well. At first, he had not given her the information she had been asking for but after another patient had been rude to her, he calls her back to give her a tip. Hannibal does not like rudeness but he is also a very intimidating character. Clarice though does not back down to his intimidation.

The first time we see the current serial killer that Clarice is hunting down, Buffalo Bill. In this scene, he is luring his next victim into his van. He is earning her sympathy by pretending to be a cripple and needing help to get an armchair into his van. Once she is inside the van, he nocks her out and locks her in.

Clarice is investigating a clue that is found with all of the victims of Buffalo Bill. A cocoon is a gound in all of their mouths, and when she takes the cacoon to be studied, she finds out its a moth called the Death’s Head Moth from Asia. The moth becomes an important symbol for the movie and also becomes the clue Clarice needs to locate Buffalo Bill because of how rare the moth is.

Buffalo Bill is shown sewing clothes using human skin from one of his victims. This is the first time we see Buffalo Bill at work as a serial killer and what plans he has for his victims.

In this scene, it is shown where Buffalo Bill keeps his victims. He shows how important it is that the victims take care of their skin by forcing them to use lotion. He plans to use that skin to create a suit for himself eventually.

Hannibal has made a deal to give information about Buffalo Bill to help save the current victim, who is the daughter of a senator. We see Hannibal in his iconic mask that he has to wear because of the violence and he is known for. With just using his teeth he can seriously injure a person.

For the first time in the movie, we see a violent Hannibal Lector. So far in the film, he has been a creepy, unsettling character, but also charming and charismatic. Compared to the other sexist and unlikable men that Clarice has encountered, Hannibal has not been the most disagreeable, so for the first time, the audience sees what he is capable of.

This is the scene police find once they realize that Hannibal has escaped from his prison. It shows what kind of killer Hannibal is like and also how he almost considers his violence as an art form.

In this scene, we see how smart Hannibal is by escaping the building he was being held in by pretending to be a guard that was still alive after being attacked by him. In reality, though, he has killed the guard, cut off his face and placed it on himself. Because he seems to be heavily injured and disfigured after the attack, people cannot tell that it is Hannibal and he has escaped the building because the police had put him in an ambulance.


Silence of the Lambs follows Clarice Starling, a young FBI agent, as she is assigned to interview Doctor Hannibal Lecter, a known serial killer, and cannibal. He is currently a patient and prisoner and a mental institution for the criminally insane. Before he was caught, Hannibal was a psychiatrist and it is believed that he has insight into a serial killer, Buffalo Bill, who has been skinning young women. Clarice is the main heroine who has to struggle with catching a serial killer and the male-dominated environment that she works in. There are multiple scenes that show how she is treated differently because she is a woman, by her superiors and co-workers. There are essentially two antagonists in the movie. The serial killer already behind bars, Hannibal Lecter, and the serial killer currently on the loose, Buffalo Bill. Hannibal, though portrayed as unnerving, is also very charming and charismatic. Even though he proves how violent he can be, after the plot with Buffalo Bill is resolved, you can’t help but cheer for Hannibal Lecter he makes his cunning escape and last farewell to Clarice Starling.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

A young female FBI agent has to work with the known serial killer and cannibal, Doctor Hannibal Lecter to catch a current serial killer on the loose that is skinning women.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles