DES 251 Digital Media Design III

The Imitation Game Farida Fadly

Film Research

Turing, along with other cryptographers, are introduced to the german Enigma machine by the Commander.

A German Nazi plane flies over the country and bombs the towns.

Innocent British civilians have their town bombed by the Germans.

Turing begins to work on the german enigma code in order to create a machine to decode it automatically.

Alan Turing is arrested for announcing his homosexuality and threatened to leave.

Turing and his team watching his machine in hopes that it will decode the german messages.

Turing Enigma machine is successful and the german messages are decoded (team of cryptographers celebrate)

Turing and his team


The film follows a basic structure with an interesting exposition, introducing the main character, Alan Turing (played by Benedict Cumberbatch), a gay mathematician who invents a machine to break the German codes during World War II.
The movie proceeds to the rising action/climax where Alan finally creates a machine that is able to decode the German Enigma Codes.
Conflict arises when Turing decides to publicly announce his homosexuality, and is threatened to leave, but the rest of the cryptographers stand up for him and threaten to leave if they force Turing out. The movie holds a sad tone, and is constantly suspenseful throughout.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

The Imitation Game
5 Words: War, Enigma, Challenge, Homosexuality, Sacrifice
Thesis: This film is a drama/thriller set in 1939 during World War II, where cryptographers and mathematicians come together to break the enigma code sent by the germans.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Alan Turing with Nazi officers

Attack on the town

Turing's Machine

Crossword puzzle

Alan Turing cover w/ letters

World War II

Enigma Machine (WW2)

Early computers

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles