DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Tyschenko_The Imitation Game

Film Research

The movie starts with Turing having been arrested. This event takes place years after the main story-line.

Turing is hired by the British government to attempt and crack the Nazi code, generated daily by their Enigma machine.

War is officially declared between Britain and Germany.

Turing works on designing a machine that will be able to figure out Enigma's settings daily.

Turing creates a crossword puzzle to find more people to join the team of cryptographers.

Turing finishes his machine, and names it Christopher.

Denniston tries to fire Turing. The other cryptographers threaten to quit.

Turing proposes to Joan so that she can stay. He confesses to Caincross that he is gay.

Christopher works, the cryptographers use their Enigma machine to decode Nazi messages.

Years later, following the scene at the beginning of the movie, Turing has chosen to undergo chemical castration instead of doing jail time. Joan visits him.


The imitation Game, directed by Morton Tyldum, is a WWII spy thriller loosely based on true events. The main storyline follows Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician, is recruited by the British government along with several others to attempt to break the Nazi’s ‘unbreakable’ Enigma code machine. Turing displays an unwillingness to work with his fellow cryptologists, choosing to design a machine capable of figuring out the daily Enigma settings instead of attempting to crack to code by hand. His apparent arrogance sets his coworkers and superiors against him, but after writing a letter to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, his is put in charge of the cryptographer team, and receives the funding his needs in order to build his machine. He decides to place a crossword puzzle in the newspapers in order to supplement the team. In this way he meets Joan Clarke, a Cambridge graduate who is able to pass his tests. However, her parents are unwilling to let her work with a group of men. Turing arranges for her to work with the female clerks at Bletchley Park instead. Eventually, with Joan’s help, Turing is able to become closer to her colleagues. His machine (who Turning names Christopher) is built, but is unable to figure out the correct Enigma settings before the German’s change them each day. His immediate superior, Denniston, attempts to destroy Christopher and fire Turing, but the other cryptographers threaten to quit. They are given one month for Christopher to show results. Shortly after, Joan reveals that she is intending to leave Bletchley Park at the urging of her parents. Turing, in order to get her to stay, proposes to marry her. During a party congratulating their engagement, Turing reveals to his colleague Caincross that he a homosexual, asking is he should tell Joan. Caincross urges his to keep his sexuality a secret. Eventually Turing realizes that he can program Christopher to decode words that he knows will be in certain messages. Christopher works out the correct settings. Turing soon understands that in order not to alter the Nazis that they’ve broken Enigma, they cannot act on every bit of intelligence they receive. The cartographers are then put to work calculating what information can be acted on, and during this time Turing realizes that Caincross is a Soviet spy. Turing confronts Caincross, but he threatens to expose Turing’s sexuality if he is exposed. MI6 agent Menzies later threatens Joan, and Turning reveals that Caincross, not Joan, is the spy. Menzies explains that he always knew Caincross was a spy, and planted him at Bletchley so that they could leak the Soviets information for the benefit of the British. Now afraid for Joan’s safety, Turing reveals to her that he is gay, and claims that he never really loved her, breaking off their engagement. Following the war, Menzies orders the cryptographers to destroy all their work, and tells them that they can never see each other again.
Throughout the main storyline, there are frequent jumps in time, both to events preceding and following the war. The movie actually starts years after the war, with Turing having been arrested for indecency (paying for a prostitute). Instead of jail time, Turing decided to be chemically castrated, so as to be able to continue working on his machine. Joan visits him at the end of the movie, and sees how the medication has mentally deteriorated him.
The jumps in time to the past revolve around Turing’s time in school, and his relationship with a boy Christopher, whom he loved. Christopher died of bovine tuberculosis before Turing could confess.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

History, War, Cryptographers, Enigma, Britain
This historically based film takes place during WWII, with a group of British cryptographers working to crack the Nazi Enigma code.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

cogs turning while letters randomly shift, ending on the title

zooming into one of the cogs

production company follows down curve of the cog as it shifts

move up to see a house settled on the curve

author shows as bombs fall onto house, overlapping words

zoom on one of the bombs

lines moving down and across right within the bomb

marks of the crossword fade in with random letters

actor's name settles, fully solid

zoom into section of crossword

Bletchley park

zoom into windows

windows drop down, lines remaining, producers following

zoom into single line, takes up full screen

circles rolling onto screen

director fades in

another row pushes director out of screen

stroke thickens

eventually takes up full screen

Final Film Titles