DES 251 Digital Media Design III


Hugo Moss

​Hugo Moss was born in 1962 in the UK and was originally a designer and motionographer in the UK’s leading television broadcasting companies. When the studio closed, he formed his own firm, Huge Designs, in his basement in Soho London in 1993. Since then, Hugo Moss has worked on and been creative director on such prolific titles as Downtown Abbey, Borat, and Any Human Heart.

His animation work uses precise storytelling elements to reveal the mood of the film. Much of his work is stylistically similar, using dark tones, imagery reminiscent of stop-motion animation, hand-drawn figures and characters, and simple, unfolding graphic elements. Many of his projects are titles for popular British dramas. Moss mixes rich computer-animated visuals with footage and imagery. His use of typography is subtle and takes a backseat to the motionography of the work.