DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Mirella Munoz & Javier Mercado: Kyle Cooper Presentation

Kyle Cooper

​Kyle Cooper was born July 13, 1962 and he attended the Yale School of Art in 1988 where he gained his Masters in Fine Arts. He also attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he studied interior architecture. Kyle is known for being a Director and Designer of film title sequences. He has designed more then 350 title sequences. Some of his title sequences where created with his company Imaginary Forces which he founded in 1996 with Peter Frankfurt and Chip Houghton. Imaginary Forces specializes in visual storytelling and brand strategy. They have studios located in both Los Angeles and New York. They work with various designers to create their works for different partners. Some of the title sequences he put out with his company where for movies like Mission Impossible, Iron Man 3, Se7en, and Spider Man. With his title sequences you get the feeling right away on how the movie might be. Like with Iron Man 3 he puts splits in the screen and has other images come in which makes it seem like a comic book. That enforces that it would a comic book based film. He also uses this triumphant music which we think emphasizes that its a action kind of hero film.