DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Assignment 3: Kinetic Typography

Due: Thursday, February 3th. Uploaded to VIMEO and added to the class website by the beginning of the class.

Kinetic Typography Definition

"Kinetic typography—the technical name for "moving text"—is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. The text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion."

"Kinetic typography is the art of animating text to increase its impact on readers by increasing the emotive and interactive quality of the text. Text is presented over time, becoming temporal rather than static. "

Together with the audio of spoken words the appearance of the words is often synchronized with the audio. Its purpose can be, for example, to illustrate, clarify, intensify or even contradict the text/speech/interview. In a way, it's a visual interaction with spoken words using type.

Read this article

An article about Kinetic Typography patterns and principles (for UX and other disciplines). Read here.


Look for an approximately 10-15 sec long audio file of spoken word. This could be an interview, a conversation from a movie, a speech, etc. Capture/record the audio so that you can use/import a digital audio file into the animation software. Quicktime offers an audio recording option, for example. Task is to create a typographic animation synchronized your audio file Use movement and appearance of the words to express, support, enhance, illustrate the spoken words. Not only the behavior/motion of the words has meaning, the kinetic quality of the background (dark/light/grey/split up...) can add meaning.

Composition Settings in After Effects:


Keep in mind...

Work with the basic Transformations first rather than applying (pre-designed) filters. Explore motion principles (Motion Literacy):

Explore contrasts:

Pay attention to the intonation/articulaiton/pronunciation of the spoken words and react to, emphasize it visually (big/small, thin/thick...).

Capturing Audio

There are plenty of software options to capture audio from the web. The one I tried was very easy to use. The trial version limits the recording time to 5 minutes but that's more than what we need. It's called VideoProc Converter and can be downloaded for Mac or PC here

Once you have it installed click "Add Video", type in the URL (YouTube etc.) and click Analyze. Then choose the "Audio Only" option and the file format. Both m4a and mp3 are compatible with After Effects. Lastly click Done and Download.

You can edit/crop the Audio in After Effects or use Adobe's "Audition" for this.

Submitting the Assignment

Please refer to this this post.

After Effects Tutorials

The Text Animator options in After Effects:


sentences separation, rhythm, large typographic/text elements

character separation




text elements/lines, contrast

type illustration, backgrounds, emphasis emotion with motion

just camera movement ("mobile framing")

arrangement, motion, meaning