DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Aaron Varilla: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)

Film Research

Joel meets Clementine "for the first time" on his way home from his spontaneous trip to the beach. Throughout the movie, Clementine's hair changes colors to help differentiate between present, past, and Joel's memory.

After the discovery of Clementine getting the procedure to wipe Joel from her memories, we see him clearly frustrated and distraught with the news.

Joel goes through the first part of the procedure where they show him an item that is related to his relationship with Clementine in order to locate parts of his memory in his brain. They go through an entire trash bag full of items and can you can how distraught Joel is.

Here's an image of the brain scan they used to locate memories within Joel's brain.

Throughout the movie, we see Joel drawing, writing, and doodling a lot in his journal. In one of his memories, we see him creating a piece for Clementine.

Actively in his own memories with Clemintine, there is consistent lighting upon Joel and Clemintine as they are trying to figure things out to stop the erasure of Joel's memories of her.

Lighting repeated, heavy shadows, vignetting, when there is lighting, it is heavily focused on Joel and Clementine.

Going over his memory of meeting Clementine for the first time at the beach, he reflects on how he was scared at first to stay with Clementine but felt like he should have stayed. He replays this memory but this time with a conversation he wishes he had with her when it happened. The lighting continues to be as intense as the other memories.

From the memories to the present where they don't realize they were together, they seem to make each other happy when they are in a relationship together. At the same time, we see Joel constantly riddance by the anxiety of losing Clementine, a muse, and his happiness to his lonely life.


When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a medical procedure to have each other erased from their memories. After discovering his girlfriend Clementine went under a procedure to wipe all the memories of him, Joel decides to undergo the same procedure. As the procedure occurs, Joel is brought to relive the memories of his relationship with Clementine. Through this process, he slowly realizes that he doesn’t want to let go of these memories and struggles to fight the procedure.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Wholehearted, erase, loneliness, distressed, heartbroken

Thesis Statement: Realizing that he doesn’t want to forget Clementine, Joel needs to figure out how to counteract and stop the erasure of his memories with Clementine.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

I had the idea of using a paper texture in combination with the idea of this light that shines through as it is ripped through.

Wrinkled Paper- Imperfect relationship Ambiguous spotlight - Relation to the title of the movie and the idea of an empty connection in the relationship

The hole in the wrinkled paper grows larger along with the white space.

The white space is used as a way to bring focus to the name and I use the empty space of the shadows in order to include other text. The text would appear through the use of transparency, slowly fading. First with the cast titles, and then the names for the title.

The title and name fade out and the hole starts to close.

Another spot appears in a different spot. Same idea as last spot.

Zoom in on the name and then into the larger white spot to transition into the orange composition.

Final Film Titles