DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Andrew Malarski: The Social Network (2010)

Film Research

Sean Parker and Mark Zuckerberg sitting at a club talking about Facebook and the next steps for its success.

Facebook hits 1 million users and never looks back

The original founders of Facebook all working together in their dorm room

Mark is absolutely tired after spending the prior night coding some of the pages for Facebook.

Mark and Eduardo Saverin(Co-Founder) talking during a break in a deposition hearing

Eduardo confronts Mark in a heated argument after Eduardo finds out after he no longer has any percentage in the company.

Mark vigorously working on the Facebook

One of the first iterations of the original Facebook business card created by Sean Parker

Mark is seen here working on Facebook in his dorm with a two-screen setup

Opening scene with the original Facebook type and color.


In 2003 Mark Zuckerberg started working on “The Facebook” which originally was known as “Facesmash” which was a social platform that allowed men to rate women at Harvard and write whatever about them. This was as an act of revenge against a girl he was seeing. As this traveled fast over the Harvard Campus. An Idea was proposed by Harvard men to Mark, for a social network exclusively for Harvard students. Mark took the idea and ran with it, to make it a social network for only college students. Then becoming a social network for the whole world. The genius was that no one had really done this with code yet. It hit huge in colleges across America allowing for Mark to get the attention he wanted. With this innovation, turmoil eventually ensued within the company. Partner and long-time friend of Mark, Eduardo Saverin took a credit card off of the account which lead to Mark eventually cutting the former CFO Eduardo out of the company forever. It is also lead to believe Mark set up Sean Parker creator of Napster and President of Facebook once he needed him no longer. The movie goes in-depth showing Mark doing anything and everything to allow and make Facebook succeed. Using and manipulating partners and long-time friends. The story of Facebook is being told as Mark finds himself in two separate deposition hearings, using flashback narrative in a clarifying matter.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 Words: Dramatic, insightful, innovative, hubristic, ambitious
Thesis Statement: Mark Zuckerberg does whatever possible to create a successful and popular social network, putting his creation and fame above all else.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles