DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Candi Oh: Parasite (2019)

Film Research

In the beginning of the film, you see the Kim family gathered around trying to earn some money by folding up pizza boxes for a pizza restaurant but barely even making an earnings or a living off of just that.

The rock was given by a wealthy friend of Ki-Woo's. The rock is suppose to give them great fortune. Though this rock was used for other intentions.

This scene shows Ki-Jung stealing a peach after 3 out of the 4 Kim family successfully take of steal the jobs of the ex-workers of the Park family, they found out that the housekeeper is deathly allergic to peaches, so they devise a plan to get rid of her so that the mother of the Kim family, Choong-sook, could take over the job of the housekeeper, Moon-gwang.

After successfully devising the plan and lying to the mother of the Park family about the ex-housekeeper, Moon-Gwang have a serious disease, she had no choice but to fire her and Kim Ki-taek, the father of the Kim family, told the mother of the Park family that she could trust him no matter what and as you see in this scene, they are shaking hands, a belt of trust.

The Kim family successfully took every one of the roles of working for the Park family. As both driver Kim and. Choong-sook are together in the house hold, the son of the park family can't help but noticed that they both have a weird scent to them. He points out that they both have the same scent.

As the Park family went on a camping trip, the whole Kim family gathered together at the Park family's house and they use it like it's their own. The drink, relax, bond, and have a great time together not worrying about the Park family as they went away for the camping trip.

The fun came to an end though when Moon-gwang the ex-housekeeper, found out about the Kim's family secret, while the Kim family also found out about Moon-gwang's secret of keeping her husband in the secret basement of the Park family's house. Moon-gwang threatened to send a video of the Kim family to the Park family about their secret. The situation escalates quickly as the Kim family's actions causes consequences.

As the situation escalates quickly, the husband of Moon-Gwang seeks revenge to the Kim family, specifically Chung-sook. In this scene his face is all bloody but he has rage as he holds a kitchen knife to kill the one that hurt and killed Moon-Gwang.

Towards the end of the movie, in this scene you see that Kim stabbed Park Dong-ik, the father of the Park family right in the heart and fatally killing him. This happened because of the action Park Dong-ik, which resulted in Kim getting triggered, which resulted him in killing him all because of smell.


The film Parasite, is a film filled with many mixed emotions. Betrayal, anger, sabotage, sadness, desperation, revenge, condescending, jealousy, chaos, rage, and etc. The film is about a rich family and a poor family. Greed and class discrimnation would be the main thing as the poor side of the family finds ways to create a relationship between the wealthy family. You view each side of how they live and how they are treated differently. The poor family or the Kim family, finds ways to scam the wealthy family, the Park family, to receive jobs from them because they all struggle to find stable jobs, so they go through all the scams and manipulations to make a living off of them and to live a better life. Although it starts off easy at first, problems start to come their way as there are dark twists and turns throughout their journey and the harsh reality, the harsh self-realization and the truth will tear them apart and back stab them.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

This film, Parasite is about a struggling family. Desperate and searching for ways to live a better life. In times of desperation, they go all the way to lie, cheat, hurt, and sabotage to live a better life. In a way, the Kim family are parasites because they do all the hard and dirty work while the wealthy family, Park family, just orders them what to do. This film overall shows how the wealthy or privileged ones morally remind the poor ones of their place in society and where they come from and belong.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Final Film Titles