DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Chanel Vasquez : The Shining (1980)

Film Research

Jack interviews for the job of the caretaker at the Overlook Hotel. He is told about an incident ten years ago when a previous caretaker developed cabin fever and killed his wife and two daughters.

Danny has a seizure while talking to his imaginary friend Tony about the Overlook Hotel. He has a vision of blood splashing out of an elevator in the hotel, an image which is revisited several times throughout the film.

Upon Danny's arrival at the hotel, head chef Dick Hallorann recognizes that Danny is telepathic. He explains that he and his grandmother both had the gift; she referred to this communication as "shining."

Danny has a vision of the two murdered girls, but he does not tell anyone and continues to wonder around the hotel.

Jack has a nightmare about killing Wendy and his son Danny with an axe and chopping them into pieces. Wendy tries to calm him and reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

While Wendy is consoling Jack, Danny shows up with his sweater ripped and bruises around his neck. Wendy blames Jack of hurting Danny and the kid to their hotel room.

Jack is mad about Wendy’s accusation and goes to the bar to drink. He confesses to the bartender that three years ago he accidentally dislocated Danny’s arm due to his alcoholism and he vowed to quit drinking.

Jack investigates room 237, where Danny mentions that a crazy woman attacked him. Jack encounters a naked woman and starts kissing her. Until he realizes that the women a rotting corpse

Entering the lounge, she spots Jack's manuscript left unattended next to the typewriter. She reads what Jack has been writing: hundreds of pages of repetitions of a single sentence: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." She realizes that Jack has gone mad.

Jack starts to go crazy and follow Wendy and Danny with an axe. Wendy grabs Danny and locks them in the bathroom. She opens a tiny, snow banked window and pushes Danny out.

Danny runs into the maze trying to escape from Jack. He retraces his footprints in the snow making Jack get disoriented and lost.

Jack gets lost in the maze and freezes to death.


The tormented writer, Jack Torrance, approaches the Overlook Hotel for an interview as its winter caretaker. Since the hotel will be closed for the season, Jack will have plenty of time to break his writer’s block. During the interview, the hotel manager tells Jack of a previous caretaker who came down with a terrible case of cabin fever; resulting in the murder of his family. Jack’s son Danny, is afraid to go with him,
he has learned from his mystical finger, Tony, that there is something sinister at the hotel. After a month of caretaking, Jack hits a wall with his writing, and no amount of staring into mirrors will help him with that block. As time progresses, Jack’s Wife Wendy becomes more and more concerned about Jacks mental health. Danny too becomes more and more scared of the hotel as his premonitions become even more frightening. The question becomes which of the often-battling powers in this isolation will ultimately come out on top: Wendy's mortal fortitude, Danny's secret ability which he learns is called the shining, or the hotel's associated secrets which are slowly overtaking Jack.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Words: homicidal, nightmare, isolation, suspense, murder
Thesis: A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil presence influences Jack into violence, while his Danny sees horrific premonitions from both past and future.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Blizzard and wind SOUND

Typewriter sound

Typewriter close up

Shoe snow prints

Scary hotel hallways

Lost in a house with red lights

Sunspense sound

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles