DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Emma Casillas: Uncut Gems (2019)

Film Research

Unnerving, warm tones, wet, squishy. The inside of his colon. Gross!

Cool tones, glowing, the stone. Shining bright, happiness.

Dark, chilling, foreboding, creepy old man, predator v prey.

Bloody sadness, regret, downfalls of addiction. Dark, cool tones.

Bright, warm tones, extreme happiness, peaks of addiction.

Dark, illuminated contrasting tones to cool tones, black lights, loud, fast-paced

Jewelry, bling, bright cool tones, lots of light, fast-paced but calm.

Dark, illuminated cool tones, fast-paced, fighting

Bright, illuminated shine, crazy ornate, calm humorous

Dark, cool toned, depressing, sad, fear

Excitement, illuminated cool tones, reflections, winning, peaks

Dark, illuminated contrasting tones to cool tones, black lights, loud, fast-paced

Jewelry, bling, bright cool tones, lots of light, fast-paced but calm.


Uncut Gems is a rollercoaster of a movie that takes its viewers through the mind of an addict. Howard Ratner, a gambling-addicted gem dealer, puts his family at risk spending all of his money and earnings on basketball bets and gems. Howard buys an Ethiopian gem that he thinks is worth nearly $1 million. This gem catches this interest of a very valuable basketball player. In an attempt to make the most money he can off of the gem, Howard risks his own belongings and the belongings of others. Eventually, after toying with everyone in his life and pissing a lot of people off, Howard makes a huge, life-threatening bet that forever changes his life and the lives of those around him.

Uncut Gems makes the viewer feel the ups and downs of addiction. One feels attached to Julia, his mistress, when she comforts him and gets Howard’s name tattooed. There's anxiety in every scene until an eventual relief in the sparse wins.

“Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler) is a once successful New York gems dealer whose gambling addiction has left his family and career in shambles, and him hundreds of thousands in debt. Always looking for the next big bet, Howard thinks he finally hit it big when he discovers a rare uncut rock of Ethiopian gems, with a very interested high-profile buyer. But the closer Howard gets to finally winning big, the more he is forced to realize he can't keep running from the consequences of his actions.”

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Howard Ratner, a gambling-addicted gem dealer, puts his family at risk spending all of his money and earnings on basketball bets and gems in this fast-paced, anxiety and drug-ridden movie.
5 words: Fast-paced, anxiety, flashy, erratic, harrowing

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

This is just for the concept of fast-motion in basketball. Also, the large red swoop feels like I could use something similar make a connection to the drug abuse/addiction.

The really quick cuts of the text; running around; poker cards/casino.

Suspense and a sense of hierarchy; believing in a power system/establishing power or supposed power between individuals through text

This is the song I plan to use; being from the soundtrack, it captures the feeling of elation and the high of an addiction. It sounds like there are a lot of key points where a certain motion can be added. It is used later in the movie but I think it could also make a good intro.

Fast-paced, whip pan, I want to whip pan through the gem, make the names come through the sparkles and color, and just travel very fast but contained in the gem. Travel like some shots do in the movie but have the names ingrained in the atmosphere.

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

font testing

color testing; I like the gem look of the light font on black with more squared-off text; however, I also like the kind of fancy font in a dark color on a fleshy tone as a sort of call back to Julia's tattoo.

Reflection, used in the cinematography of his glasses

Test w/ motion blur, quick but contained attempt

reflection again w/ a different font

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Final Film Titles