DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Areiana Richards: Little Miss Sunshine

Film Research

The film starts off with an introduction of each family member, showing the audience how they work through their daily lives and giving a glimpse into their aspirations.

Olive watches a pageant winner accept the crown as Miss America in the very first scene. She continues to rewatch the recorded tape to try to imitate the reaction she sees, in hopes that one day she'll be able to accept the award herself.

Each family member struggles with their own vice. In this scene, we are introduced to uncle frank while he is in the hospital after trying to commit suicide, in scenes with similar tones, the colors are very dull and muted.

The dynamic between each character varies, and this can be due to the fact that they all have a very distinct personalities that may make it easy to clash with one another. Throughout the film, the family struggles to get along with one another, but in this still, we can see they share hurt when the grandfather dies.

Though the film addresses some dark themes, certain aspects within the color palette remains bright and optimistic, and this is especially carried by the families Volkswagen van they used, that broke down and would only start through a specific routine, which helped the family bound.

In this still, we see Olive comforting her brother when he comes to the realization that he cannot follow through with his dream of going to flight school due to being color blind.

Throughout the film, it is shown that olives grandfather is someone that olive is very comfortable with as he was the one who helped her rehearse her choreography, we can see the nature of their relationship in this still, where Olive confides in her grandfather about her fear of not being good enough.

In this scene, olive is critically analyzing herself in comparison to the other contestants at the pageant, this is one of the few times where we see olive doubt herself and is aware of society's expectations of young women and girls in pageantry.

This still exemplifies how close the family became throughout the course of their trip. As Olive goes through the pageant, her family eagerly pushes her own in contrast to the beginning of the film when they were mostly very pessimistic about going in the first place.

When it is her time to shine, Olive finally gets to perform her choreography and is abruptly interrupted because of her provocative dance moves. Instead of pulling her off stage like, they were instructed to do, his family members join her to help her finish the performance she worked so hard on.


The film is centered around a family whose main objective is to get the character olive to a beauty pageant across the country in a yellow Volkswagen van. Despite the dark themes that this film addresses, the color palette remains bright and colorful consistently throughout the film, possibly to represent the overarching optimism that the family is able to withhold through the trials and tribulations that they face on their trip. Each character has their own vice that is established early on in the movie and along the way, they come to terms with what they struggle with and learn more about themselves with the help of their family. The films primary purpose is to challenge viewers to value the journey it takes to reach a destination or goal and to try to look on the bright side of things.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: Optimistic, Perseverance, Unconventional, Family, Confidence

A dysfunctional family takes a journey cross country to make it to a beauty pageant, despite the major unfortunate events they expeerience along the way.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Framing of a car on the road pov 1

Framing of a car on the road pov 2

Emphasis on a core item in the film

Highlighting elements in pageantry

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Ideation 1 Experimenting with incorporating multiple textures to help illustrate that the family is "in their own world" or in other terms dysfunctional and stray away from the norm of a typical family. Could be actual stock footage or/and images. Also want to emphasize the journey that they took by incorporating the names in the typical things you would see on a road trip

Ideation 2A I was also thinking of continuing with focusing on the stripe concept by having each line featured in each new themed clip fade into the next, with each theme being a callout to a certain character.

Ideation 2B

Ideation 2C

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Opens up on sun shining, with rays rotating. Introduce the film name.

pans down from the sun to show Van driving along the road with names as clouds

cut to a sign or two to introduce more names

cut to the road that shows more names as if driving along the road.

A yellow lines fades into the yellow line shown here to introduce another name

The blue line in the rainbow runs to form into a line on a piece of notebook paper

A strip in between the notebook paper fades into a space between one of the Es. A magnifying glass focuses on the tiny name at the bottom

Magnifying glass transforms into plates with waffles. Have the fork interact with a name?

Forks handle transforms into a line of heroin. As each line disappears, it exposes another name.

Represents the dads 9 step plan to achieving the overall goal. Idk what how to transition to this yet. Letters of the crew name walking up?

Stairs lead up to the stage, red rays are rotating and the light are flickering as a name is introduced.

The stage fades into the sun that was featured in the being to show the van driving off into the sunset

I am primarily focusing on having an element of one scene fade into the next to emphasize the journey that the family took throughout the film. I also want to be sure that each scene has similar line width within similar elements and a set color palette to show continuity and a uniform look throughout the entire composition. Overall I want it to be a bright and colorful and a fun experience to preview the journey viewers are about to take part in.

Final Film Titles