DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Sage Contreras-Once Upon a Time in Hollywood(2019)

Film Research

Rick Dalton on set of his tv show Bounty Law famous in the 50s and early 60s

Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth (stunt double for many years for Rick) on set

In this part of the film it becomes apparent to Rick that times are changing which means new ideas and styles of tv shows are beginning to take over in Hollywood. Rick is afraid that his acting career may be coming to an end because of this and he is afraid of being outdated. He vents to his friend Cliff many times throughout the film.

A screenshot of idealistic Los Angeles Hollywood in the midst of the 60s.

I liked this shot because of the vibrant colors and the apparent "hippie" vibe of the time. Especially with the girls hitchhiking and the style of font in the background on of the walls.

Another still of the Playboy Mansion which was very popular at the time for throwing parties and having big names in the industry be invited and go to those parties.

Rick Dalton trying to keep up with the change of times to keep his image, but this is also relevant to the color yellow which is a theme in this movie.

Sharon Tate a famous model and actress of the 50s and 60s being portrayed going to the theatre to watch a movie that she is in. Another portrayal of the color yellow.

A scene from one the movies Rick Dalton is acting in. There are lots of scenes with this western American type of television that was very popular in its prime.

Rick Dalton scrutinizing himself for messing up lines in a new age show that he was cast in. It is apparent here that he has succumbed to the new wave of style because of his longer hair and mustache which he initially hated because that was not the style he was familiar with.

There are many of these types of scenes where an old timey television show is playing on a very old television.

More shots of vintage Los Angeles.

Cliff Booth riding through Los Angeles. Apparent themes of neon signs.

A shot of Rick with his new wife after finally accepting the change of times and gaining more success after being casted in different films in Italy.

Cliff Booth taking a trip to the infamous Spawn Ranch where Charlie Manson and the Manson family stayed during their time in the late 60s- early 70s. This was also major turning point in the movie as it introduced Cliff to characters that he would meet again later in the movie building up a suspense.

The street in which Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski lived on during that time.

More references to the color yellow.

The beginning to a dramatic end to the movie where members of the Manson family attempt to sneak into the home of Rick but end up being mauled and killed by Cliff and his dog. An alternate ending to the real life crime of Sharon Tate and the Manson family members.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is essentially a unique take on the life of famous people in the industry of film during the 50s through the early 70s. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, it centers around a famous actor, Rick Dalton and his stunt double and friend, Cliff Booth. The film follows them around as they enter a new age of Hollywood and it pays tribute to major events happening in that time. For example, there are scenes where Cliff visits the Spawn Ranch which is infamously related to Charles Manson and the Manson family. This is where they would carry out their bizarre lives and would eventually become really famous for the horrible crimes that they commit. The film pays homage to Sharon Tate who was tragically murdered by the Manson family by giving an alternate ending where the Manson family ends up dead and Sharon and the rest of the characters remain alive and well and end up forming a positive relationship. The way the film is made is very unique in its style as it is essentially a movie within a movie but it has its climactic moments and therefore is easier to watch. There are many themes that are apparent in the film. One of them being the color yellow, which is noticed a lot within the characters' outfits, the home decor, cars, the setting of LA, even the way the lighting is cast brings a very yellow hue. Another theme is western American television. This is brought through the main character who plays a famous actor in that genre. There are many scenes where it is black and white tv and flashbacks to 50s television.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 Words: Hollywood, 60s-70s, Western, Charles Manson, Playful

70s Hollywood in Los Angeles was a time for Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth to figure out how to manuever into the new wave of the industry and style of the times. Along with this there was emerging a group of twisted people that would ultimately change their path for the better.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

the ludicrous that is Charles Manson.

the types of television that inspired Quentin Tarantino's character Rick Dalton.

stunt doubles.

los angeles 1970s

sharon tate

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

all of these will have a neon effect in AE to make the main text pop out more.

Final Film Titles