DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Zile Chen: Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Film Research

The opening shot of Doss saving a young man's life and taking him to the hospital just in time to get him taken care of.

After Doss saved the young man's life a doctor told Doss that he did a great job in saving this man's life in time or else he would been dead. And Doss realizes and notices the potential he has if he could be able to save all the people who are injured in the hospital.

Desmond Doss met a girl named Dorothy Schutte in the hospital, and decided to go out with her. And so they are out back to the place where Doss and his brother first played when they were little, as a revisit to that place with Dorothy right after they went to see a movie together.

Desmond went to tell his father that he wanted to join the military as a medic in saving those people, and his father denied and doesn't agree in letting Doss go to the military knowing the danger of it. And so Doss argued with his father and still decided to go to military even when his father disagreed.

All soldiers lined up and stood still to listen as Sergeant Howell comes in the camp to tell them about their training that the soldiers are about to begin to do, when they just moved in the camp and barley settled in to unpack their things.

During one of the shooting trainings Doss denied his decisions to pick up a gun and told Sergeant Howell that he was told to not needed to pick up a gun at all since he's got drafted as a medic only under religious grounds.

Desmond getting beat up by his fellow soldiers in the camp at night, after his fellow soldiers saw that his stance on religious beliefs are dumb and that he is not carrying a gun because of it. And so when Sergeant Howell asked what happened to Doss face he responded with saying that he had a bad sleep and that nothing happened.

Desmond gets sent to jail for his religious beliefs and for not bearing arms in war and was to be sleeping there forever till court day. When her girlfriend came to see Doss and see how he's doing overall when he see's him in jail and gets emotional.

Desmond Doss is sent to the court for his hearing for either he will be sent back home and not be welcomed back to the military or be able to stay and not have to bear arms in war.

The war starts as everyone began climbing the mountain up to the top to start their fight in the Battle of Okinawa against the Japanese people.

After the first round of the fight against the Japanese's people there is a break in war as the sun sets low and the American lay rest till sun rises next day to fight. As a bunch of soldiers and Sergeant Howell talk what's next for their plan in winning this war.

The battle gets so bloody as many people are getting killed left and right. Doss see's that their fellow soldiers are retreating without saving the rest of their fellow soldiers that's left out in the field. And so while everyone goes back down and retreat, Doss the only soldier remaining decided to risk his lives in saving them himself.

One by one as Doss drags each solider who's wounded or injured down the cliff with only his bare hands and a rope all by himself with no help, as he tries his best to save each one no matter what, as god guides him through it.

The soldiers that were injured and wounded on the top of the cliff were brought down and back to the camp to help them with their injuries. As these soldiers told the sergeant that Doss is the one who saved all of them by himself up top as he drags them down one at a time.

After saving every possible soldiers that Doss could possibly save Doss gets saved by his fellow soldiers knowing his survival up top. Once he's back on the ground Doss was later asked by everyone in the camp if he would go back out there to war, as many soldiers now started to believe in Doss and would only go to war if Doss goes as Doss prays again for the better.

As Doss goes back up again and fights for another day of survival, he got injured when he was trying to save his fellow soldiers from a grenade by kicking it, which blew him up midway as he still survived. As the war is won Doss gets sent down the cliff by his soldiers as he finally could rest in peace when the war is finally over and the people he saved is safe.


A movie that tells the true story of a person named Pfc. Desmond T. Doss, who wanted to save lives in the military by becoming a medic going to war. When his father denied his decisions of going to war knowing the consequences of people going to war will mostly not return after they getting drafted, when Doss's father had already seen enough of people getting killed, three of his best friends already died because of it. Doss' father tries to convince Doss not to be the next that lies in the grave of what his father see’s next. But Doss wasn’t persuaded by his father as he believed that this is the right way, that he believed that his beliefs of god are leading him in the right direction of saving these people instead of letting them die in war, that he needs to do this no matter at what cost of saving them.

As Doss gets drafted to the military he gets ostracized by his fellow soldiers for his pacifist stance. He was sent to prison because of his decisions and was later put up in court by the head chief and judge to make a decision as if Doss were either to be excluded from the military or stay because of his decisions to be a medic and not bear any weapons in war to protect himself. Later on Doss' father came in and helped his son after knowing the choices that his son makes for himself and that he believed in his choices is his path that he makes are what's right for his way of believing's. So Doss' father decided to help him by pleading the judge not to exclude Doss from the military, as well as being able to be a medic that doesn’t need to bear arms in war. Moving on with his own decisions of going to war as a medic, Doss went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selflessness and compassion after he risked his life without firing a shot to save 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa. Who then won a Congressional Medal of Honor despite him not carrying a single weapon in WWII on religious grounds.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

5 words: War, Survival, Medic, Respect, Bravery

Desmond Doss a medic that got drafted to war without having to bear arms during WWII under religious grounds, as he risked his life on the battlefield saving lives of other fellow soldiers.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Concept of using a rope as part of the title sequence that is going throughout the whole sequence that will go along until it reaches the Movie title. And as the rope moves through the screen names will start popping up as well as directors and production design names.

This is a concept that uses images as part of the movie title sequence. Where you can see that as each screen is shown it will display the names of the actors in different places of the screen as well as the last movie title being on the last screen, big and bright.

This is a concept that uses the lines and stars of the American flag as part of a representation of the whole movie. As the whole movie is about American fighting the Japanese's. And so with this concept I try to use it to help emphasis the typography more by lines moving in and out and back in every direction possible as well as the stars.

This last concept is using different words to help create and make a object when combined together. Where these words will all represent something in the movie or a word from the movie. As these words help to create a object of either a bible, medic helmet or other stuff.

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

In this sequence the title opens up with icon production presents as it starts spilling blood from the text of production as the text starts to slowly fades in to the screen. And the background starts to move slowly around as blood spills down the screen.

As blood continues to spill down the screen from the previous one it then leads to the next screen of blood continuing from before. Where the camera will be moving downward and stripes of the American Flag start to appear from the left and moves to the right slowly one by one in different speed as the text appears and fades in as some stripes starts to retract itself back and move back to the left slowly.

As the stripes continues its motion of moving to the right and some other stripes are retracting back, the camera starts to shift slowly to the right as well moving in a similar speed as the stripes. Once when it reaches the next screen. As it reaches to this screen the stripes slowly is going backward as one by one each stripes is retracting itself to the left as the text fades in on one of these stripes on the bottom and disappears. As the background moves slowly continuing the same motion as before.

The stripes moving closer and closer to the left side of the screen as more text fades in and introduces the credits that's for the movie.

As six stripes slowly moves back to the left and retracts itself back, a single stripe moves forward through the screen going from left to the right side and so on as the camera shifts to the right following this single stripe.

As the stripes moves from the last screen from left to right it then disappears as it reaches this screen. Where then different black dots appears on the screen with different sizes and places on the screen that's shaking around and moving around slowly. As the text of the actors appear and fades in to the screen as well with the red cross symbolizing medic.

As the black dots continues to shake around it then moves around a bit and in a newer position as it is before where its now more a bit spread out as four red stripes comes down from the top of the screen slowly. And a red grave cross lands in one of the black dots as the name of the actor fades in the screen.

As it reaches this screen the black dots are still there as they are all starting to group up and form up together. As the camera shifts and turns leaving the stripes to be on a horizontal direction that's going from the right to the left side as some stripes retracts back and some doesn't. As the actors name shows up on the screen when the stripes moves in slowly.

As the black dots are there on the previous screen, it then turns into these stars on that represents the American flag as a blue wallpaper for the stars fades in and the stripes continues to move in but now different stripes coming from the right side to the left.

The camera goes backward going from the previous screen to the right side as it shows these two stripes from the previous screen now going in a left to right direction. As the stars starts to grow bigger and bigger as it goes on and names of the actor appears on the right side fading in.

As one of the stars grow large filling the left side of the screen and more stripes appear and come in from the left and more from the top to the bottom on the right filling the screen up as some stripes turn into different colors of the American flag of representing red and blue.

The stripes on the left side retracts back as the stripes on the top of the page that's going to the bottom is turning its color from red to blue of one of the stripes. And the big star slowly creeping in from the left to the middle as the screen is moving closer to the movie title page.

The big star slowly and moving closer to the screen as the stripes on the top now is starting to retract back to the top of the page slowly one by one as each moves back slowly. Where the blue stripe is going slower than the two red stripes.

The big star moves in the middle and the three stripes at the top stops and many stars starts to form and create what looks to be like a military rank of Desmond Doss of his badge that he earned as the title of the movie fades in and blood slowly spills in from the words of the movie title.

Final Film Titles