DES 251 Digital Media Design III

DMD III Examples: Title Sequences

Typography Focus (Type first, supported by shape, image etc.)

DESn 251 S19: Taxi Driver
DESn 251 S19: American Psycho
Cramer: 12 Angry Men
Kymia Robinson: A Beautiful Mind

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Jenea: The Greatest Showman
V For Vendetta
DESn 251 S19: Throw Away Your Books
DESn 251 S19: 6 Baloons
Brandon Balbin: Whiplash
Mirella Munoz: The 33

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Tessa Alioto: The Hangover

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Alberto: Hermano (kinetic typography)

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Integrated Typography (Image focus)

28 Days Later

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Gozon: The Godfather
Patricia Luna: Prisoners

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Anna Streeter: Iron Giant
Chessare: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Ola: Arrival

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

T’Yanna Moore: V for Vendetta

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Kyle Rang

Typography and Illustration

Gotwale: Grand Budapest Hotel

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

KyraJones: Heathers

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Tom Webb: The Thing

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Spurlock: Silence of the Lambs

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Tyschenko_The Imitation Game

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Amy Cheung

Type and Video Footage

Alannah Ray: Black Swan

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Jeff Torres: Casino

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard

Christopher Foss
Faith Koh

Type and Image/Photography

Tom Groom: Young Frankenstein

Research, Investigation, Formulation, Storyboard