DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Daniel Castillejo: Film Research (Robocop)

Film Research

A news segment is a part of the opening scene of the movie. The man in the photo is Clarence Boddicker who is a gang leader who is connected to the deaths of 31 police officers.

This is Alex Murphy, a police officer who was transferred to a different precinct where the crime rate is extremely high.

This is Alex Murphy’s new partner, Anne Lewis. She will assist him throughout the film.

The corporation called Omni Consumer Products (OCP) gathered together to discuss building a new city called “Delta City”. A demonstration gone wrong also happened which involved a machine called ED-209 which was created by OCP and Richard Jones was the head of the project. A glitch happened which resulted in a death.

After the failed demonstration of ED-209, Bob Morton, another executive working at OCP took the opportunity to bring up his “Robocop” program to the CEO of OCP and this eventually led to the creation of “Robocop”.

Alex and Anne are called to handle a call about a Robbery. The suspects were fleeing in a van.

Eventually, Alex and Anne get to an abandoned factory where they find the criminals but they choose to split up and the criminals shoot Alex several times which eventually kills him.

Efforts were made to save Alex but he was pronounced dead.

After his death, Alex was resurrected and he became Robocop. His memory was wiped.

There are three prime directives that “Robocop” has to follow due to his programming.

“Robocop” then gets into a police car and goes out to look for crime. He stops several criminals and efficiently saves lives.

Robocop is sitting in a chair and he is on standby mode. He is being monitored by some OCP staff but the staff members are not paying attention and Robocop starts to move because he is having flashbacks about his family and he is reliving the moment he was killed by the gang. Robocop eventually forces his way out of the police station and is on a mission to find those gang members who killed him.

Anne figures out that Alex is Robocop and tries to make him remember who he is but it seemed like it didn’t work.

Clarence Boddicker was sent by Richard Jones to kill Bob Morton for pushing his “Robocop” program after his failed ED-209 demonstration. He sees Bob as a threat to his position in OCP.

Robocop eventually finds the gang and gang leader Clarence and kills all the members except for Clarence. Clarence gave up and gave him information about the corruption in OCP, he mentioned that he works for Richard Jones. Robocop wanted to kill him but his programming stopped him from doing so.

Robocop went to confront and arrest Richard Jones but once he tried to do so a hidden fourth prime directive prevented him from doing so. This directive states that any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in a shutdown.

Robocop doesn’t shut down but he is confronted with ED-209, he fights with it and manages to escape but he is confronted with police officers who have orders to eliminate Robocop.

With the help of his old partner, Anne Lewis, he manages to escape and they both end up in the same abandoned factory where Alex died.

Robocop removes his helmet and we can fully see the face of Alex Murphy for the first time after initially dying.

The criminals have found Alex due to a tracker and are looking to eliminate him. They were given military-grade weaponry to help them.

After killing off all the criminals, Clarence is the only one left and manages to stab Alex with a metal pole but Alex is able to stab Clarence in his neck, killing him.

Alex returns to the OCP building with evidence that shows that Richard Jones is corrupt. After this evidence is shown, Richard tries to escape by taking the CEO hostage and pointing a gun to his head. Because of the fourth prime directive, Alex cannot take any action but then the CEO yells that Richard is fired and then elbows him to get away, Richard is no longer a senior officer at OCP so he is now not protected by the fourth prime directive. A confrontation happens which concludes with Alex shooting Richard and he falls out the window of the OCP building. The film ends by “Robocop” being asked his name and he says his last name, “Murphy”.


RoboCop was directed by Paul Verhoeven in 1987. It was set in a dystopian future in Detroit, the film is centered around Alex Murphy, a police officer who was murdered by a gang and is later brought back to life by the corporation, Omni Consumer Products (OCP). They made him into Robocop, a cyborg police officer designed to combat crime in the city more efficiently than regular police officers.

Robocop then starts to see flashbacks of his life and he remembers the moment he was killed by the gang. He starts to investigate his murder and he reveals corruption within OCP. He learns that the gang leader Boddicker works for OCP executive Richard Jones.

The climax of the film involves RoboCop and his partner, Anne Lewis, battling criminals and his creators, leading to a confrontation with Jones in the OCP headquarters. Robocop succeeds and the film ends with him saying that his name is Murphy which signifies him reclaiming his humanity.

The tone of the film is dark yet satirical. Visually this film uses a color scheme that plays off the metallic body of Robocop and the decaying urban landscape of a futuristic Detroit. This film has fast-paced action scenes with unique point-of-view shots.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

In a future where corporate greed and corruption rule, "RoboCop" stands as a beacon of justice, struggling to recover his humanity and identity.

Technology, Justice, Humanity, Corruption, Intense

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Starts with vitals appearing on the screen which refers back to Robocop being created. Vitals tracked would fluctuate. Red string will flow through the title sequence making an "evidence board".

MRI scan pinned introduces the main actor of the film. Zoom-in of the brain would occur.

A police badge appears for Nancy Allen. It will start zoomed out and then finish zoomed in with here name appearing.

The red string is zoomed in on and it is shown going by a piece of "evidence".

An image of Dallas City Hall (OCP Headquarters) is crossed out with an X and "OCP HQ" is drawn to give the feeling that the police are investigating OCP and would right down notes on a printed-out image.

Kurtwood Smith's name blends into the wall. Red strings flow through.

Two polaroids appear showing more evidence and are then pinned.

Multiple red strings appear and flow throughout the scene. Opacity is varied to differentiate the distance of the strings.

Image fades in.

Confidential paper comes in, and some pieces are blacked out. Some information is highlighted. Red strings flow throughout.

Coordinates appear on the image. A red circle appears over a vehicle being tracked. The red line appears to show the route of the car.

The title of the film appears.

The concept revolves around a police evidence board. Pieces of "evidence" are scattered around the board and are connected with red string, the red string also shows how the movement of the camera will pane to different pieces of evidence around the board. The film revolves around stopping crime and gathering evidence to prove someone's guilt.

Final Film Titles