DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Film Research(Lucy) - Sara Gongora

Film Research

high brain capacity, increasing abilities such as seeing electronic waves through any technology platform.

Demonstrating different body forms within her own capacity by controlling the interaction of cells.

Light spark of fingers touching the head to dig through memory.

control of a person's body movement.

Seeing the energy that transfers through nature.

Seeing through a person's body to understand its anatomy and check illnesses.

CPH4, this drug was the cause of Lucy's brain capacity increase.


Lucy is directed by Luc Besson, and its a sci-fi action thriller that captivates audiences with its unique presentation style. The film follows Lucy, played by Scarlett Johansson, who gains extraordinary cerebral capacity due to accidentally consuming an illegal substance that is called CPH4, where cells are used to produce other types of molecules for the cell to function. One aspect of the film’s presentation style stands out is its use of visual effects and cinematography. Lucy is depicted in stunning visual transformations, utilizing vibrant colors and surreal imagery to convey her heightened perception and expanding consciousness. The visual effects are not only visually striking but also serve to immerse the audience in Lucy’s journey, allowing them to experience her newfound abilities firsthand.
Another notable aspect of the film’s presentation style is its nonlinear narrative structure. Besson employs a nontraditional storytelling approach, blending elements of action, science fiction, and philosophical inquiry to create a multifaceted narrative. The film seamlessly transitions between past, present, and future, weaving together Lucy’s personal journey with broader philosophical questions about the nature of existence and human potential.
Additionally, “Lucy” incorporates elements of experimental filmmaking, particularly in its exploration of time and space. Besson employs innovative editing techniques and sound design to create a sense of temporal dislocation, blurring the boundaries between past, present, and future. This experimental approach adds depth and complexity to the film’s narrative, inviting audiences to contemplate the nature of time and the human experience.
Overall, “Lucy” stands out for its bold and inventive presentation style. Through its use of visual effects, nonlinear narrative structure, and experimental filmmaking techniques, the film offers a thought-provoking exploration of human consciousness and the limitless possibilities of the mind. As Lucy transcends the boundaries of ordinary existence, she invites audiences to reconsider their own perceptions of reality and the true extent of human potential.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

A beautiful young woman, named Lucy, gains extraordinary cognitive abilities after unintentionally ingesting a synthetic drug called CPH4; where her brain capacity increases and becomes increasingly powerful, unlocking secrets of the universe itself.

5 words:
Cells,CPH4,Time, capacity, knowledge

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

The illusion of vanishing is something that inspires me, since it was something that was demonstrated with Lucy. I want to also bring the emphasis of infinite space and time through loops and roundness. Different shades of blue also gives me the sense of knowledge or intelligence to bring into the film. Sparks between people or between any connection is something that is also inspiring to demonstrate from the movie. I also wanted to test around with different typefaces to see what correlates more to the movie. Some have round and sharp edges that demonstrate tech as well as infinite. Bold typefaces demonstrate power and assurance which is also something that Lucy gives off. I placed definitions from main words of the movie to allow me be more intentional with what I want to portray.

Video Collection for Motion








expansion / synapses



expansion width dot grid

expansion width dot grid

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

The circle represents the molecule inside of Lucy's body, that goes through different scenerios from what the movie demonstrated, such as transformation (using transitions of different shapes), fast alterations inside the body that changes it, there is also the reproduction, as well as the evolution towards the end where Lucy creates a another level of computer. I zoomed on the T for text to show how Lucy saw the energy that flowed through things. I also demonstrated how in the movie she starts becoming all black which I portrayed in towards the end.

I made some adjustments such as also the inclusion of blue color which was established by searching the different blue shades found from different movie scenes. I made certain parts become more abstract such as the type itself bleeding out instead of having roots coming out of the text. I also used text to be transitions as well to be more dynamic.

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

I want to create my filmtitle abstract and minimalist. Here, I start with a single cell.

Here I start the reproduction of cells that is demonstrated in the movie as Lucy starts gaining more capacity.

I introduce focus of camera lens to depict the multiplication of cells spread out.

I start to play with expansion to transition.

the black overtakes the page. I emphasize on black, white and another color you will see later on.

black screens are also depicted on the movie with type to tell the audience what the capacity on her brain is at.

introduction of blue, as it emphasizes the CPH4 drug.

I am making the circles move at a fast pace to demonstrate the how the drug expands all throughout.

They align to soon start going really fast.

Its speed creates once again a circle with endless filling.

It shrinks as it prepares to burst.

expansion of the drug.

blue now takes over as the drug gains use and mobility.

split the page to also depict how Lucy's stomach was also open to introduce the drug.

splits to four since there were 4 drug bags introduced to other characters.

the four rectangles split into smaller squares to once again emphasize on quantity and multiplication.

start to show shapeshifting action

line back again to the main shape of circle as it indicates pill or drug.

Dissolving starts to take place.

complete dissolution.

transition, brings another name.

seconds to read and prepare for next part.

appearance of circle, black circle indicates cell or the reaction in the body.

moves into place.

Illustration of inside the work of the brain.

expand to transition.

Name introduction.

Start zooming through circle.

Demonstration of repetition occurring.

Start expanding to create an infinite loop.

Travel all the way through the loop and ends showing another name.

Introduces a line that leads to clock.

Time plays a big role in the movie.

Name introduction, the white takes over.

Zoom in to the O and emphasize once more on the circle shape.

O character left alone.

The circle starts filling itself black.

This is a demonstration of what happened to Lucy once she gains full capacity.

circle is filled 100%

Circle zooms out and other circles add, which can demonstrate how much was Lucy's brain reaching with all knowledge.

Circles start making shape.

Image of Lucy encapsulated with many circles.

Many columns start fading away.

Columns are randomized and placed in a way that they start becoming cellphone connections that Lucy was able to see.

Another name appears.

Camera focus through the circle columns that represent those coding telephone lines.

Zoom in Through character name to the character O again.

Once it zooms, a form of eye takes place to indirectly show the emphasis that Lucy's eyes gain throughout certain scenes of the movie.

Once it keeps on zooming, a filled black circle takes place.

Whole screen becomes black from the previous small filled circled.

Screen becomes white, and then black again, and so forth at a faster pace each time to start arriving to end of the opening title sequence.

Once screen is black again, the title of the movie starts appearing with light stroke motion to emphasize the power of full capacity.

In my film title sequence, I explore abstract themes through the strategic use of shape and color. Adopting a minimalist approach, I focus primarily on circular shapes, which serve as symbolic representations of cells and the pivotal drug in the narrative. These circles form a loop, evoking notions of infinity and the multifaceted dimensions explored within the film. I incorporate triangles and rectangles to illustrate Lucy's evolving ability to shape-shift as her brain's capacity expands. Emphasizing the theme of expansion, the sequence visually charts Lucy's cerebral growth throughout the movie. Additionally, I creatively employ circles to sculpt Lucy's facial features before transitioning to columns of diverse circular shapes, symbolizing her enhanced perception of phone line signals. Finally, the sequence culminates with the movie title, set against a lens flare effect, symbolizing Lucy's attainment of full capacity and power.

Final Film Titles