DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Ivanna Perez: Twilight (2008)

Film Research

"Twilight" is a film released in 2008, directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the ‘Twilight Saga’ book series by Stephenie Meyer. An aerial shot of a misty forest pans across the screen as the title of the movie emerges from the fog, creating a mystical essence.

Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan, lives in Phoenix, AZ with her mother Rene and step-father Phil. She is about to leave Arizona forever and move back with her father in Washington.

Bella has moved back to Forks, WA to live with her father, Charlie.

Bella and Charlie are in the car, reminiscing about the past when Bella would visit often, Charlie tells her he's missed her a lot and is glad she's back living with him.

Bella meets Jacob Black, son of Billy Black, for the first time as Charlie and Billy gift bella a new truck. Bella tells Jacob she is nervous for her first day at high school and wishes she could of have known one person, seeing as Jacob goes to a private school on the reservation.

Forks High School, where Bella will encounter a mysterious entity for the first time, as well as some rambunctious friends.

Bella notices Edward Anthony Masen Cullen (far right) in the cafeteria, along with his adoptive Cullen siblings who are all fathered by Carlisle Cullen, for the first time as he intensely stares at her.

Bella ends up being lab partners in Chemistry class with Edward, he seems to be repulsed by Bella's smell. He runs out of class and requests to transfer out of Chemistry class, Bella overhears.

After 3 days of absence, he comes back to class. Bella and Edward share a conversation for the first time and this is where their romance buds as their intrigue in each other starts to grow.

Later in the week, Edward saves Bella from being crushed by a speeding car in the school's parking lot. Bella thinks he regrets saving her, when in reality, Edward is scared of Bella learning his secret.

Bella has begun to notice Edward's overly odd behavior, she begins to research his antics to figure out what is wrong with him.

As she dwells deep into her research, she comes across articles about the "Cold One", and the similarities between this creature and Edward are astounding. His eyes change color, he's pale and cold-skinned, has unmatched speed, and remarkable strength. He is undead. He is immortal.

Bella confronts Edward in the forest behind the school about her findings. She is about to unmask him. "You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color, and sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight. I know what you are... vampire."

"Are you afraid?" Edward asks Bella if she fears him and she unwaveringly replies, "No." Edward tries to scare her off and warn her that he doesn't know if he can control himself around her blood and not kill her. Bella persists that she wants to be with him and that she wants to be like him, a vampire. Edward tells her that he won't turn her. Their romance intensifies. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."

Three evil vampires emerge as they indulge on a killing spree throughout Forks. James, Laurant, and Victoria (in respective order.) Unlike the Cullen family, who consider themselves "vegetarians" as they only drink animal blood and do not harm humans, this trio of vampires are ruthless and will kill any human in sight for the fun of it. They pose a threat to Bella as Edward won't turn her.

The Cullens invite Bella out for a baseball game, they wish to get to know her better. It is thunderstorming and it is the only time they can play with dramatic effect.

The three evil vampires come across the Cullens during their game and wish to join in. As a strong gust of wind runs through them, James catches a wiff of Bella's scent, her blood. "You brought a snack." James is a hunter, hunting humans is his favorite pastime. Bella was about to become his most exciting hunt yet.

Bella gets lured to her childhood ballet studio by James, under the false pretenses that he's kidnapped her mother and will harm her. Bella attempting to save the day, goes alone and is about to meet her demise.

Having been thrown through mirrors, Bella is bleeding out and has been bitten by James. His venom is flowing through her blood and in a matter of minutes, she will die and become a vampire. Edward doesn't want her to turn this way, he knows his only option is to suck the venom out of her blood, but he knows he won't be able to stop. "Find the will to stop." As the rest of his siblings dismember James and set fire to his corpse, Edward musters up his strength and tries to save Bella's life.

Bella wakes up in a hospital room, delirious and desperate for Edward's presence. He tells her that she's in this condition because of him and that he'll only bring her harm if they stay together. He tells her she should move back to Phoenix with her mother, that he won't be able to make her happy. Bella starts freaking out and to calm her down, Edward tells her they'll make their relationship work.

Moving past Bella's near death accident, Edward takes her to homecoming. She tells him that she is in love with him and never wants to leave his side. She tells Edward that he should turn her into a vampire now so they can be together, forever.

As they share a passionate kiss, Edward tells Bella that he will protect her no matter what, and that he will avoid her fate of becoming a vampire for as long as he can. He assures her that while she will eventually be turned by him, he wishes to prolong her human life a little longer. He tells her he loves her just the way she is.


"Twilight" is a film released in 2008, directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the ‘Twilight Saga’ book series by Stephenie Meyer. It is the first installment in the Twilight Saga film series. The movie is primarily a romantic fantasy with elements of drama and has gained significant popularity, especially among teenage audiences. The story revolves around a teenage girl named Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart, who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie Swan. There, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious and brooding Edward Cullen, portrayed by Robert Pattinson. Bella soon discovers that Edward is a vampire, but their love for each other complicates their lives, especially when other vampires with malicious intent come into play. Edward and Bella must defend their love against those who attempt to break them up, having to endure multiple hardships and near death experiences. "Twilight" explores themes of forbidden love, the supernatural, and the challenges of embracing one's identity. The film blends romance and fantasy elements, incorporating the timeless struggle between vampires and werewolves. The movie's cinematic aura, cool-toned color graduation, and iconic indie soundtrack have all become trademark staples for the film.

Key Characters:
Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart): The protagonist, a human teenager who falls in love with Edward Cullen, she is his soulmate.
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson): A vampire who is initially drawn to Bella because of her blood but turns out to be her soulmate. Struggles with the dangers of their relationship.
Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner): A werewolf and friend of Bella, who falls in love with Bella and is naturally a sworn enemy of the Cullens, who are vampires.
Charlie Swan (Billy Burke): Bella’s father and the chief of police in Forks.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Color Scheme: Blues, Greys, Deep Greens, Browns, White

Five Words: Adventure, Suspense, Forbidden Romance, Rivalry, Cold
Thesis: Edward and Bella must defend their love against evil vampires who attempt to break them up, having to endure multiple hardships and near death experiences.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Story Board

Final Film Titles