DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Krisrina Lavrinok Titles sub

Film Research

I wasn't able to post any of the images. Php error.


"The Grand Budapest Hotel" (2014), directed by Wes Anderson, is a colorful and engaging film that tells the story of Gustave H, the famous concierge of The Grand Budapest Hotel, and his young friend, Zero Moustafa. They get involved in a wild adventure involving a stolen painting, a fight over a family fortune, and lots of quirky characters, all set against the backdrop of a fictional European country on the brink of war.

The movie is cleverly told through a story within a story, starting in the present day and looking back into the past, which gives us different layers of the story to enjoy. Despite the complex plot, the film keeps a light and funny tone, with plenty of jokes and silly situations. But it also has a touch of sadness, as it looks back fondly on a time and place that no longer exists.

What sets this film apart is its distinct visual style. Anderson's use of a monochrome color palette—though not in the traditional black-and-white sense—employs carefully chosen colors to evoke specific moods and periods. This technique, combined with symmetric composition and the rule of thirds, creates frames that are not only visually appealing but also convey the film’s themes and emotions effectively. The central composition further emphasizes the film's staged, theatrical nature, drawing viewers directly into the heart of the action.

The detailed textures on various objects and settings in the film are particularly striking. From the lavish interiors of the Grand Budapest Hotel to the intricate costumes of its characters, these textures add depth and tangibility to the visual narrative, making the world of the film feel both whimsical and real.

Despite its serene and orderly appearance, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is remarkably dynamic. This dynamism is a testament to Anderson's ability to inject energy and movement into the film's precise compositions, ensuring that the story remains engaging and vibrant throughout.

The film's minimalist and perfectionist approach is evident in every aspect, from the comedic timing to the set designs. This attention to detail not only enriches the film's aesthetic but also enhances its storytelling, making every scene a joy to behold.

In conclusion, "The Grand Budapest Hotel," directed by Wes Anderson, is a vibrant and engaging film that stands out for its unique storytelling and visually stunning presentation. Blending humor with a touch of nostalgia, it captures the audience's heart through its adventurous plot and deeply crafted characters. The movie's distinctive style, marked by a thoughtful color palette, precise composition, and attention to detail, showcases Anderson's talent in creating a captivating cinematic world. It's a film that not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impression, demonstrating the power of combining great storytelling with beautiful visuals to create a truly unforgettable experience.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: "The Grand Budapest Hotel" combines a captivating story of friendship and adventure with a distinctive visual style, marked by a simple yet rich color scheme and precise composition. The movie showcases a unique blend of balanced frames and detailed textures, creating a serene yet lively atmosphere. This story is set in a Europe filled with history and change, where the elegance of the past meets the excitement of the story's unfolding mystery. The film's opening titles will capture this essence, using stylish text, carefully composed images, and fluid transitions to reflect the film's perfect blend of motion, simplicity, and attention to detail, drawing viewers into its beautifully organized yet adventurous world.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

I wasn't able to post any of the images. Php error.

some additional images with abstract symmetrical type/graphic compositions for inspiration.

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

In the storyboard, I've explored color transitions and the overall design style of the sequence. I've focused on incorporating several styles that I aim to blend together. Firstly, I've merged photographic scenes from the movie with font elements. These font elements consist of letters from the movie's title. I believe that blending photography with font elements generates a nuanced composition with symmetrical aspects. Through this composition, I aim to illustrate the intricate plot of the movie, showcasing its layers and complexity.

Secondly, I've pursued an opposing style, one that emphasizes simplicity and rhythm. This contrast serves to facilitate transitions between the more complex elements, offering a dynamic flow to the sequence.

Final Film Titles