DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Leanna Ho: Film Titles (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)

Film Research

Holly Golightly looks through Tiffany’s window display while eating her breakfast before heading back home after a night out.

Holly is awakened by her new neighbor Paul who is ringing her doorbell in order to get into the building.

While getting ready to go to Sing Sing prison, Holly discusses with Paul about visiting a gangster named Sally Tomato there who pays her to deliver weekly messages for him.

Paul attempts to get Holly a taxi but fails so she summons one herself by whistling for one. He’s amazed because he never could do that.

At a party she’s hosting in her apartment, Holly introduces her agent O.J. Berman to Paul.

Holly plays a guitar and sings outside her window on her fire escape landing.

Holly and Paul go inside Tiffany’s where he gifts her a ring from a Cracker Jack box, that they could get engraved with initials at Tiffany's.

At the library, Paul confesses his love for Holly and suggests marriage, but she wants to marry José da Silva Pereira, a rich politician.

Holly gets arrested by the police for assisting in conveying messages for Sally Tomato.

Holly and Paul reconcile after a fight, embracing in the rain after finding her lost cat.


Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a 1961 American romantic comedy-drama directed by Blake Edwards. It follows writer Paul Varjak, who, after moving into an apartment building, meets his eccentric new neighbor Holly Golightly. As he unravels her intriguing past, Paul eventually falls in love with her and despite the challenges that cross their paths, the two get together in the end. Significant themes involved include: independence, growth, identity, and love.

This film was shot from a variety of angles and distances which helped to establish the locations and characters on screen. Credits and scenes smoothly fade in and out and the lighting focuses on the actors themselves, elevating the impact of their acting to enhance the tone of the scene. These scenes are supported by music which also helps convey their tone to viewers. Bright, eye-catching colors pop out throughout which contrast with the film’s more somber scenes.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: In a tale of romance and self-discovery, a young man becomes interested in his neighbor, Holly Golightly, a New York socialite with an intriguing past.

Words: eccentric, ambitious, society, independent, melancholy

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Fade in moving city background. Movie title appears, handwritten across screen. City background ends, fades out, and moves to next frame.

Street shows up, cars drive past. Yellow taxi drives up, pauses, with name showing up next to it. Name fades out, taxi drives on.

Street fades out till only black shape is left which arranges itself in the next frame's position.

As if following the image, the shape slightly shifts upward, with the name written along it.

Same as before but shifting to the left.

Same as before with name written along cigarette.

Full image of hand with cigarette, with the next name smoked out. Name flies upward.

Next name flies out from bottom, appearing next to cat. Name, cat, and suitcase shifts to left.

Cat and suitcase shrinks and shifts up to fully show first suitcase. Name appears next to it. Cat and suitcase shrinks and shifts up again for second suitcase and name. Same thing for third suitcase. By end, should resemble the following frame. Suitcases and names then move to the right, bringing along with it the black background.

Name in white is handwritten across background.

Background/black rounded box and name shrinks down.

Name fades out.

Ring box opens.

Ring box fully opens, reveals ring, name is written above it. Name fades out. Ring flies up.

Ring fades out. Background color changes.

White circle fades in. Background color turns black.

Image zooms out to reveal more circles.

Full zoomed out image reveals necklace on black neck bust with name next to it.

Zoom back in, certain circles fade out. Close up of next frame appears.

Zoom out to show full image of phone. Perhaps the phone rings.

Phone shifts to right, phone gets taken off stand, revealing name. Phone drops down.

Sunglasses drop down from above to middle of screen.

The sunglasses glint reveals names. Sunglasses and names then leave left offscreen.

Shoes then step in from right, last name is revealed. Fade out. The End.

Final Film Titles