DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Neisha Allen: Film Research (The Mother)

Film Research

The mother and daughter, Zoe, while in hiding from Adrian Lovell in a secluded area in Alaska.

The mother and Zoe reuniting after battling and defeating Adrian when he finds them in Alaska.

The mother teaches Zoe survival skills like sniping in order to protect her.

Zoe and the mother encountering Adrian when he tries to take Zoe after the mother gets her back from Hector who kidnapped her. The mother was trying to get Zoe back to her foster parents, but was unsuccessful.

The mother while in hiding at the remote cabin in Alaska, hunting for caribou and food.

The mother encounters a wolf who is eating a caribou that it attacked to feed her cubs. The mother looks at the wolf who's growling and barking at her. She almost shoots and kills the wolf until she sees that the wolf is also a mother.

A parkour or action scene of the mother chasing one of Hector's men who took Zoe to get information out of him so that she can find Zoe and get her back.

Adrian and the mother dancing together when they were first doing business and working together.

The mother, Adrian, and Hector all together discussing business about the deal of fire arms.

William or agent Cruz, who's an agent that helped the mother protect and watch over Zoe, discusses her past with Hector and Adrian when they were both looking for Zoe when Hector took and kidnapped Zoe.


In the film “The Mother” directed by Niki Caro, it tells the story of a woman who was an operative in the US army and a sniper who has a child. The mother must give up her daughter, Zoe, to FBI agents who will give her to good or trustworthy foster parents, in order to protect Zoe and keep her safe from Adrian Lovell and Hector Alvarez. Adrian Lovell was an ex-SAS captain or ex-marine and an arms dealer while Hector Alvarez was also an arms dealer. The mother was romantically involved with or worked with the two, until she ratted their plan out to the agents about them trafficking children after she got pregnant. Zoe’s father could be either of the two men, but it’s unknown who. Both try to kill Zoe from birth for revenge, but are unsuccessful. While Zoe is with her foster parents, the mother goes into hiding in a remote cabin in Alaska with snow and cold. When Zoe becomes a teenager, 12 years later, Adrian and Hector find her and try to kidnap her, but the mother eventually comes out of hiding and gets Zoe back by killing Hector. The mother and Zoe go back hiding at the same cabin and the mother teaches Zoe all the skills she knows so that she can survive. Adrian comes back to the cabin as an attempt to kill both the mother and Zoe, but Zoe and the mother work together to kill him instead and Zoe is returned to her foster parents while the mother continues to watch and protect her.
The film is mostly in the time period of the present day with advanced technology of guns or cars and clothes. Its overall tone is both dark or sad or mysterious and happy or light, which is portrayed through lighting. Everytime the mother and Zoe are apart from each other, the lighting in the scenes are dim or dark to indicate a sad tone. The lighting is also dark when the mother meets the agents or meets Hector and Alvarez to show mystery. When the lighting is dim or dark, the scenes are mostly during night time with a dark background as well. On the other hand, when the mother and Zoe are close to being or are reunited, the lighting in the scenes are bright with a happy or light tone. These happy scenes are mostly during the day time with a bright background of sometimes snow. Suspense is also created through the film by audio. Suspenseful music is played during battle or parkour scenes to have action and create thrill for the audience. Main characters are mentioned by other characters in a scene who appear after to create suspense as well. Adding on, the film incorporates lots of foreshadowing through pans or zooms and comparisons. The camera zooms on or pans over objects in the scene to indicate what happens next. Also, comparisons are made between a character and an object or animal to show what happens next to the character. For example, throughout most of the film, the mother is compared to a wolf who is also a mother. When the wolf attacks a caribou and uses violence to feed or protect her cubs, the mother afterwards must protect Zoe and use violence against Hector and Adrian as well. When the wolf later becomes wounded and survives to continue to be with her cubs, the mother becomes wounded while fighting the men and survives to continue to be with Zoe. Another example is when the mother is about to hit one of Hector’s men with a car. He’s compared with a bouquet of flowers that’s thrown by a civilian during a wedding. The flowers are thrown in the air first with the man being thrown in the air by the car after. The flowers fall to the ground first which later the man falls to the ground after as well. Finally, color schemes are shown mostly through the clothes worn by the mother and Zoe. When they are both in hiding, dark or neutral colors are worn of black, browns, dark/foresty green, gray, and dark blue to blend in. When they are out of hiding, bright colors are worn (light blue, pinks, and light brown/tan or cream), especially white.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Words: Survival, Protection, Mother/Daughter, Guns/Violence, Love, Hiding, Sniping/Target, Lens (gun)/Binoculars, Training/Strength
Thesis Statement: A sniper and ex military mother must use violence in order to protect her daughter and keep her safe at all costs from dangerous arms dealers.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Image Collage

Video Collection for Motion

Self Created Video Material

Motion/Footage Material

Sound Effects/Music Idea

animated camouflage

animated camouflage

sniper laser

sniper crosshair


target cropped, interesting circular grid

shots in night, light flashes

shots in night, automatic weapon

bullet hits wall

bullet cases

flying bullet

underwater bullet

bullet through apple

gun barrel rotation

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

Rifle with black background appears first. Green laser shoots out of rifle after.

Production company credits fades in inside laser shot.

Laser stops shooting/disappears. Production credits fall down to align with tip of rifle.

Rifle shoots and flare comes out of rifle tip. Flare covers production company credits. Rifle flare same shape as one of camo shapes that's in next frame. Flare in same placement as camo shape in next frame (easier transition).

Rifle from frame before disappears, left with only camo shape. Rest of camo background fades in to fill frame.

Director credits fades in inside some of camo shapes.

Camo background zooms out and is in a circle, gun target lens appears. Star credits appear inside target lens (will use masking technique). "Starring" comes in lens first from left to middle, "Jennifer Lopez" comes in after same way, both move to the right and disappear from gun lens.

Camo background from last frame disappears, left with gun target lens outline. Outline changes to white so it can be more easily seen with black background.

Gun lens outline disappears, left with 2 circles. Same circles used for bullseye in next frame. Gun target lens and bullseye both circles and have similar shapes.

Rest of bullseye fades in and appears in frame.

Next star name, "Lucy Paez", appears inside one of bullseye lines/strips (where bullseye numbers/points usually go).

Star name from last frame disappears, left with only bullseye in frame. Smaller bullet holes appear on bullseye first. Largest bullet hole(s) appear on bullseye after/last with next star's name fading in inside large bullet hole(s).

Everything from last frame disappears, except/left with middle white circle shape from bullseye.

Curvy lines appear to create gun barrel. Star name appears on one of curvy lines from gun barrel.

Gun barrel disappears/fades out.

"Produced by" is in a bullet and starts to fly across the screen from left to right at top of frame. Smoke trails behind the bullet.

Bullet with smoke trail gets to top middle of screen.

Bullet gets to top right of screen. Once smoke trail is large/long enough, producer credits and names fade in and appear in smoke trail.

Bullet leaves frame, left with smoke trail with producer credits and names that starts to fade.

Smoke trail with producer credits and names fade out/disappears completely.

Same concept with music credits and name from last transition with bullet. "Music by" is in a bullet and starts to fly across middle of screen with smoke trailing behind bullet.

Bullet with smoke trail gets to middle of screen.

Bullet gets to middle right of screen. Once smoke trail is large/long enough, music credits and name fades in and appears in smoke trail.

Bullet leaves frame, left with smoke trail with music credits and name that starts to fade.

Smoke trail with music credits and name fades out/disappears completely.

Same concept again with cinematography credits and name from last transition with bullet. "Cinematography by" is in a bullet and starts to fly across bottom of screen with smoke trailing behind bullet.

Bullet with smoke trail gets to bottom middle of screen.

Bullet gets to bottom right of screen. Once smoke trail is large/long enough, cinematography credits and name fades in and appears in smoke trail.

Bullet leaves frame, left with smoke trail with cinematography credits and name that starts to fade.

Smoke trail with cinematography credits and name fades out/disappears completely.

Same concept again with editing credits and name from last transition with bullet. "Editing by" is in a bullet and starts to fly across middle of screen again with smoke trailing behind bullet.

Bullet with smoke trail gets to middle of screen.

Bullet gets to middle right of screen. Once smoke trail is large/long enough, editing credits and name fades in and appears in smoke trail.

Bullet leaves frame, left with smoke trail with editing credits and name that starts to fade.

This time, instead of the smoke trail from the bullet disappearing, while the smoke trail is fading, a salt shotgun shell is shot upward on the right side of the frame with smoke trailing behind the shell as well. The salt shotgun shell is used to help transition to the title since the shell is the same green color as the background of the frame with the title.

Zooms in on the green area of the shell from the last frame.

Frame becomes completely all green.

Zooms out of all green frame and the tip of a leaf (outlined with only thin white lines) appears on right side of frame.

White capital T's, one big and one small, appear inside of leaf on top of middle line on left side of leaf.

Capital T's move from left side inside of leaf to right side inside of leaf, across middle line and leaves frame.

Frame from next part, zoomed background of leaf (with thicker lines) from last frame (tip of leaf), creeps in from left side and moves to the right to transition to next part.

Tip of leaf background now completely covered with zoomed background of leaf.

Capital T's appear again in frame on left side. T's are on top of leaf's middle line.

Capital T's move to the right across middle line of leaf towards middle of frame.

Capital T's separate into positions of when in film title (which appears later/soon).

Rest of film title, "THE MOTHER", slowly fades in to the frame.

Film title, "THE MOTHER", now fully shown in frame.

Film Title Draft (based off Storyboard)

The storyboard sequence incorporates lots of aspects of being a sniper like rifles, lasers, targets/bullseyes, gun barrels, and bullets/salt shells or smoke to connect with the main character who's the mother in the movie. The movie also includes lots of rifles or snipers and the mother also teaches her daughter (Zoe) how to snipe in the movie as well. The camo background as well as the color scheme of the storyboard sequence goes along with the setting of the movie which is in the forest. The mother and daughter hide from Adrian (ex-SAS captain or ex-marine and an arms dealer) in the Alaskan forests throughout most of the movie. The mother (main character) was also a US army operative which is why the camo pattern is added in the sequence. The leaf pattern in the sequence comes from the forest setting in the movie as well. The transitions in the storyboard sequence are mostly zooms and fades in/out to connect with the movie of lighting and zooms creating mood/tone.

Final Film Titles