DES 251 Digital Media Design III

RaazeenMerchant_The Exorcist

Film Research

A guy finds this necklace/pendant in a dark hole when in Iraq. This is the first scene we see this artifact but it shows up in a flash later in the movie and other instances.

The mom finds a ouija board and the daughter explains how to use this. In this instance the mom finds out that the daughter is talking to an entity but doesn't think much of it.

The mother keeps hearing noises in the attic and thinks she has rats crawling up there. She goes to investigate and there's a brief moment where her candle flame grows massively before it blows out. The mother realizes that there are no rats upstairs. This is the first instance of demon activity we see.

The daughter starts to act strange so the mom takes her to the doctor and they believe it is a neurological problem. They scan her brain but find that her scans are clear.

The daughter complains that her bed keeps shaking at night but the mom disregards it. This is the first time she sees it herself and believes that her daughter is telling the truth.

The daughter begins to get more possessed by the demon and begins to throw things at her mother with her abilities. She moves these drawers towards her mother while her mother fears for her life.

The mother realizes that this is no longer a neurological problem because the daughter is able to spin her head completely backwards. The demon is slowly taking over the daughters body.

The demon is causing the daughter's body to deteriorate while becoming stronger in the process. The demon spews green goo at the priest that is speaking to it.

The priest begins to look through the drawings that the daughter used to make and comes to the realization that she may be possessed by a demon. This is the moment he speaks to the mother about gathering evidence to begin an exorcism.

The priest records his interaction with the demon child and specifically records a part where she's speaking in supposedly a different language. He later realizes that the demon is still speaking in english but it's backwards.

The priest goes back to speak with the demon and is terrified to see "help me" written on the girl's stomach. This clearly shows that she is actually possessed.

The priest brings another priest to help him with the exorcism of the little girl. The demon inhabiting the girl seems visually scared after knowing that the second priest has arrived.

Both priest begin the exorcism process. This image captures how cold the room in during the exorcism where you can see the breath of the priest.

The priest continues the exorcism and the girls spews out the green goo again. After this moment the priests believe they have succeeded in getting the demon out.

The demon begins laughing and throwing things all around the room. She causes the wall and the doors to crack. She also causes something to fall leaving glass all over the ground.

The girl green glowing eyes turn white as she becomes fully consumed by the demon.

The girl breaks out of the restraints hold her down and begins to levitate off the bed and towards the ceiling. The priest continue chanting trying to get rid of the demon.

The girl gets on her knees while in the background you are able to see the demon that has taken over her body.

One of the priest goes back to deal with the demon. The other priest walks in to see the priest dead on the bed while the demon watches the body.

The priest fights the demon and tells it to take him instead. Once the demon is inside the priest, he takes his courage and jumps out the window which results in the demon and the priest death.


The Exorcist is a classic horror film and the story revolves around a young girl named Regan who becomes possessed by a demonic entity. She is originally thought to have a neurological disorder however, after several brain the doctors figure out that it might not be the case. Her mother seeks the help of two priests after Regan's state and outbursts continue to get worse. Father Merrin and Father Karras perform an exorcism and rid Regan of the evil presence. As the possession escalates, Regan exhibits disturbing and supernatural behavior, and the two priests confront their own personal struggles and doubts while facing the evil force. The film explores themes of faith, good versus evil, and the battle between science and the supernatural.

In the beginning of the film, there are many instances where it is shown that the demon is present in the home but has not possessed anyone yet. Some of these examples include, Regan explaining that her bed was violently shaking, the lights begin to flicker, and the the candle the mother uses begins to grow a very large flame out of nowhere. Regan starts acting unwell which leads the mother to bring her to the hospital where she acts very unlike herself. She has multiple outbursts of profanity. During this sequence, we do see glimmers of the original Regan as she asks her mom what is wrong with her. She progressively gets stronger and more violent. The mother finds Father Karras seeking his help with the matter while he seemingly doesn't believe the daughter is possessed. After meeting with her, she professes that she is a demons and spews green goo all over him. Father Karras asks Father Merrin with help with the exorcism. During the exorcism, Regan displays a lot of violence and she makes things levitate and throws various objects at the priests.

The Exorcist is known for its intense and shocking scenes, as well as its atmospheric and psychological horror. It has a slow build to Regan's condition and captures a chilling feeling as she progressively gets worse. The transitions are pretty abrupt throughout the movie however, there are some scenes where the focus is on the background of the setting and subject slowly comes to focus. Lights are a big aspect through the movie to establish the tone and is shown in multiple instances flickering or barely showing. I think this is a comparison to Regan being trapped inside her body and trying to get out and glimmers of her trying escape.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Words: Eerie, Loud, Gore, Dark, Cold, 1970s
Thesis Statement: A young girl is thought to have neurological problem when she begins to act out. In reality, she is possessed by a demon who progressively gets stronger while taking ownership of her body.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Exploration/Formulation (Motion Tests)

Story Board

starts with a black dot and grows bigger

grows into a virus zooms into veins to transition into veins in the brain

brain shrinks into a dot

dot turns into ink

ink grows covering the screen

ink fully covers the screen/fade to black

2 lights come out of darkness-symbolizes eyes

zooms into the eyes

zooms in again to transition into the next name

zoom into lines

lines transition into wavelengths

follow wavelength lines into other veins

Final Film Titles