DES 251 Digital Media Design III

Rita Ramirez: Film Titles (Little Miss Sunshine)

Film Research

Film starts with Olive replaying a clip of Miss Louisiana winning a 30,000 dollar scholarship on an old tv.

While eating dinner with the family, Olive finds out on the phone that an opening has opened and she can go to the Little Miss Sunshine pageant.

While starting the long drive to the pageant the VW van’s clutch breaks so the van now has to stay in the 3rd and 4th gear, be pushed when starting, and can’t be stopped easily.

While getting gas, Frank bumps into his ex-lover Josh and has a talk with him while trying to hide his wrists that show his attempt of suicide.

The van drives into a sunset after dad Richard finds out after a phone call that his book hasn’t been sold, and is comforted by his father Edwin.

While taking a break at a motel, brother Dwayne listens to his parents arguing about the dad not selling his book and how they are going to be broke.

The father Richard borrows a man at the motel’s bike to drive to the hotel his business partner he’s been calling this whole time Stan to confront him in person.

While driving from the hospital after taking their grandpa’s dead corpse, Olive gets brother Dwayne to discover from a colorblind test pamphlet that he is colorblind meaning he can no longer be a Jet pilot.

They all make it to the beauty pageant but when going on stage Olive doesn’t feel good about her self image because she looks different from the other contestants.

Olive performs her dance her grandpa was teaching her but many of the audience and judges see it as very inappropriate but Olive still continues the dance while security tries to take her off her family joins her in dancing on stage.


When 7 year-old Olive Hoover learns that she's qualified for the the little Miss Sunshine contest the entire family sets off in their VW camper van for the trip from Albuquerque to California. The family includes her reasonably sane mother Sheryl; her father Richard, a motivational speaker who is stressing over whether his book will be published; her brother Dwayne who is into Nietzsche and has taken a vow of silence and hasn't said a word in 9 months; her grandpa Edwin Hoover who likes to cuss; and her uncle Frank Ginsburg - Sheryl's brother - who recently tried to commit suicide. Along the way, the van breaks down, Richard learns his book won't be published and they forget Olive at a gas station. They face grief along the way but they get Olive to the pageant on time - even if the pageant itself doesn't quite go as planned.

Words to Idea + Thesis Statement

Words: Dream, Delusion, Imperfection, Togetherness, Sunshine

Following a dysfunctional yet realistic family in a VW van across 800-miles in order to get their daughter to a pageant. Little Miss Sunshine focuses on the mindset of winners and losers, while also showing various issues of mental illness and beauty standards in America in the 2000s.

Visual Research (Inspiration Board/Collection)

Video Collection for Motion

Inspo for Olive section

Inspo for Olive section

Inspo for Olive section

Inspo for Olive section

Inspo for Olive section

Inspo for Dwayne section

Inspo for Dwayne section

Inspo for Dwayne section

Inspo for Grandpa section

Inspo for Mom section

Inspo for Mom section

Inspo for Dad section

Inspo for Dad section

Inspo for tile puzzle section

Inspo for tile puzzle section

Inspo for tile puzzle section

Inspo for tile puzzle section

Inspo for intro/outro section

Inspo for intro/outro section

Inspo for intro/outro section

Exploration/Formulation (Style Board/Examples/Studies)

Using the hands to arrange the text the specific ways the characters would prefer; trying to show their personalities and characteristics through the text arrangement.

Later adding texture or props around the screens to further represent story details or character details.

Going to also use the text arrangements for transitions into next screen sequence, like text falling or using lines and circles since those shapes are prevalent in the movie.

In the end of sequence the screen colors will combine in a way to represent a puzzle or complete picture that the family created together.

Story Board

Dripping ice cream transition

Ice cream turns into ink spill

Cleaning ink spell with napkin

Napkin transitioning into a paper airplane

Sliding transition to next scene

Paper airplane crashing into text

Crushing and stopping paper airplane in motion

Rolled paper airplane into cylinder to inhale powder substance

Powder substance transition making screen full white

Letter C falling transition in other actor's name

Transition into larger grid

Colors cycling until all turning yellow

Zoom into yellow screen to continue rest of sequence with all family's hands interacting

Not ending, will continue showing the rest of cast like production, directors, etc.

Final Film Titles